Hi, I'm leoxu, an open source lover.
My current main interest is in OLTP database systems.
I'm also a loyal fan of the Rust language and look forward to developing an OLTP database system using Rust.
Currently I am working on the database engine of hetu at @hetudb.
I used to worked in the Snowberg team at Alibaba and am responsible for developing query engine and storage features.
Snowberg is a project that serves Alibaba's internal e-commerce scenarios. Built on top of MySQL sharding, it supports secondary indexes and full-text indexes (based on Lucene). It also supports materialized and full-text index table engines. Snowberg adopts a storage-computation separation architecture and is deployed in a multi-region manner. It serves various full-text search and online OLTP needs in e-commerce scenarios.
Snowberg based a Serverless architecture and offers features such as multi-tenant management, elastic scalability, storage-computation separation, and user-defined policies. It supports full SQL and programmable SDK capabilities. Internally, it is primarily used in OLTP scenarios where data access is performed using a programmable SDK.
Before, I was responsible for the design and development of "Sage Data Platform" at 4Paradigm.
You can find me at: