10000 GitHub - pods-framework/pods-beaver-builder-themer-add-on: Integration of Beaver Themer plugin for WordPress (https://pods.io/beaver-themer/)
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Integration of Beaver Themer and Pods

Details: pods-framework/pods#4004

Short Introduction Video for Pods & Beaver Themer from a User to give you an Idea

Watch the video

Big Thank you to @Jonathan!


Check out pods.io for our User Guide, Forums, and other resources to help you develop with Pods. Please report bugs or request featured on GitHub

Generally you can use the shortcode [pods field='your_field'] anywhere ( every text/url/html field ) it's basically the same as with [wpbb ...] Things like[pods field='your_field._img.thumbnail'] work fine see http://pods.io/docs/build/using-magic-tags/ for more options! Or to pull in a Template: [pods name="your_pod" template="your_template"]


Join the Pods Slack and look for the channel #beaver-themer You will be automatically added to some channels. Please take a look at other channels too.

Field connectors for photo and multiple-photo:

  • Select dropdown only list's matching Fields (it lists all "Media" fields)
  • Choose Size
  • Set default image

Field connectors for url, html, string:

  • select dropdown populated with all existing fields for PODS - field_name ( Custom Post Type )
  • currently uses just plain pods()->display();
  • images fields are only output as url for magic tag style use advanced ...
  • fields with multiple relations (pick_field) still need some ideas / use cases best to go and use Templates for it!

Help / Feedback Welcome - Thank You!!!

  • Bernhard Gronau (Quasel)