Layout of Contract (**.sol):
- version
- imports
- interfaces, libraries, contracts
- usings (using ... for ...)
- errors
- Type declarations
- State variables
- Events
- Modifiers
- Functions
Layout of Functions (inside **.sol after modifiers):
- constructor
- receive function (if exists)
- fallback function (if exists)
- external
- public
- internal
- private
- view & pure functions (last per group -> external, public, ...)
More -->
Consolidate .env.local
fill out .env
# To give our shell access to our environment variables
source .env
# To deploy and verify our contract
forge script script/<scriptname>.s.sol:<contractname> --rpc-url <chain> --broadcast --verify -vvvvv
# concatenate the following if you want to verify the contract
# --verify -vvvvv
Using foundry
forge test
# for more details, logging with emit, add verbosity 1 up to 5 v's
forge test -vvvv
Set up a local blockchain like this
# set up fresh local blockchain
# if you want to fork an existing blockchain, because you need to interact with existing contracts, e.g on goerli testnet
anvil -f<your_api_keys>