This cli tool provides full automated deplyment for 'lesslms' server-less LMS application on Amazon Web Services. Source for deployment is automatically fetched from 'lesslms' repository at
1 - Create a develper account at:
2 - Create a new user (IAM) and give to it Programatic access, with AdministratorAccess Policy. Download the credentials.csv file (remeber to keep it save).
3 - Get 'lesslms-cli' from npm:
$ npm install lesslms-cli -g
4 - And run:
$ lesslms init
Follow the interactive menu instructions. On finish new ./serverless/ and serverless.json shoud be cerated on current folder.
5 - Copy credentials.csv file (got in step 2) inside ./serverless/.
6 - Launch 'lesslms' deployment:
$ lesslms deploy
It can take some minutes to complete.
7 - When done, check your email for the administrative user password, created automatically during the deployment.
8 - Navigate to ./serverless/aws/client/ folder and run client app executable.
9 - When installed, run and fill login form with the provided email and received password, and get API Gateway Uri from serverless.json:
"name": "my-lesslms",
"email": "",
"region": "eu-west-1",
"sample": false,
"bucketName": "lesslms-00000000000000",
"bucketUri": "",
"ApiGatewayUri": "",
"cognitoPool": {"ClientId":"00000000000000","UserPoolId":"eu-west-1_00000000000000"}
10 - After Login, you can start to build your courses.