Building a basic multiplayer 3d top down rpg using babylon.js and colyseus
- vat animations and instances
- fully player authorative movement with client s
ide prediction and server reconciliation
- diablo like movement using the mouse with the ability to click to move
- scene management (login, register, character selection, etc...)
- map management (ability to teleport to a different map (ex: a dungeon) )
- multiplayer animated characters
- global chat (works accross zones)
- uses a navmesh for collision detection
- player data can be saved with mysql lite / mysql
- basic enemies with simple AI behaviour (IDLE, PATROL, CHASE, ATTACK, DEAD)
- enemies can drop items (based on a loot table)
- 4 basic abilities ( sword attack, fireball, dot, heal )
- ability to target players and enemies
- ability to pick up items and see them in your inventory
- ability to equip items and see them on your character
- basic player levelling with experience and ability points
- fully functional UI (experience bar, abilities bar, draggable panels, etc...)
- simple quest system
- simple trainer system (learn abilities)
- simple vendor system (buy and sell)
Follow the progress on the official babylon.js forum:
Check out my devlogs on
- Download and install Node.js LTS
- Clone or download this repository.
- Run
npm install
- Babylon.js 6.x.x
- Colyseus 0.15.x
- SQLite 3.x.x
- Optionally, you can use MYSQL instead by updating the setting in src/shared/Config.ts
- Run
npm run server-dev
to launch the server - Run
npm run client-dev
to launch the client
The client should be accessible at
The server should be available locally at http://localhost:3000
The Colyseus monitor should be available at [http://localhost:3000/monitor
- Run
npx tsx ./loadtest/test.ts --room game_room --numClients 1 --endpoint ws://localhost:3000