wxml parser and serializer.
yarn add wxml
or npm i wxml --save
import * as wxml from 'wxml';
const parsed = wxml.parse('<view></view>');
wxml.traverse(parsed, function visitor(node, parent) {
const type = node.type;
const parentNode = node.parentNode;
if (type === wxml.NODE_TYPES.ELEMENT) {
// handle element node
const tagName = node.tagName;
const attributes = node.attributes; // an object represents the attributes
const childNodes = node.childNodes;
const selfClosing = node.selfClosing; // if a node is self closing, like `<tag />`
} else if (type === wxml.NODE_TYPES.TEXT) {
// handle text node
const textContent = node.textContent;
} else if (type === wxml.NODE_TYPES.COMMENT) {
// handle comment node
const comment = node.comment;
const serialized = wxml.serialize(parsed);
(input: string) => AST
(node: Node, visitor: (node: Node, parent: Node) => void) => void
(node: Node) => string