All customize style just for current tiddlywiki5 file, not suit for vanilla tiddlywiki.
- Demo: preview address or tw5 vercel address
- Video Demo: preview video
- Code: gitlab and github
- based web browser
- fastly visited
- customize shortkeys
- customize file struct, ui and etc
- music player and random sentence on the bottom
- fastly deploy site with multi types, like github actions, gitlab runner, vercel and etc
- background run use systemd, startup automatically
- better experience on pc and iphone
curl -fsSL | bash
├── 📂docs
├── 📂img
├── 📂package.json
├── 📂scripts
├── 📂static
├── 📂tiddlers
├── 📝
├── 📝tw5.service
└── 📝
cp tw5.service ~/.config/systemd/user
systemctl --user daemon-reload
systemctl --user start tw5.service
yarn install # install dependencies
yarn start # start tiddlywiki
tiddlywiki folderName --init server # init new folder
tiddlywiki --listen port=8080 host= # listen