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May deprecated when cue modules official supported

dependency management for CUE without committing cue.mod


  • git or other vcs tool supported by go for vcs downloading.


go install github.com/octohelm/cuemod/cmd/cuem@latest


Quick Start

mkdir -p ./demo && cd ./demo

cat << EOT > kube.cue
package kube

import (
   apps_v1 "k8s.io/api/apps/v1"

deployment: [string]: apps_v1.#Deployment

_labels: { "app": "nginx" }

deployment: nginx: spec: selector: matchLabels: _labels
deployment: nginx: spec: template: metadata: labels: _labels
deployment: nginx: spec: template: spec: {
	containers: [{
		name: "nginx"
		image: "nginx:1.11.10-alpine"
cuem eval -o kube.yaml ./kube.cue
# build, will automately install deps if not exists or generator if needed.

cuem eval -o ./kube.single-file.cue ./kube.cue
# will bundle to one single cue file

Dependency management

# auto added deps
cuem get ./...

# upgrade deps
cuem get -u ./...

# install dep with special version
cuem get github.com/grafana/jsonnet-libs@latest


  • Dependency management based on go modules
    • all dependency codes will download under $(go env GOMODCACHE)
    • GOPROXY supported to speed up downloading
  • Extract to cue pkg from other language or schema spec.
    • golang supported
    • k8s crd json supported

Spec cue.mod/module.cue

// module name
// for sub mod import, <module>/path/to/sub
// NOTICE: the module name should be a valid repo name
module: "github.com/octohelm/cuemod"

require: {
	"dagger.io":          "v0.2.8-0.20220512005159-64cb4f755695" 
	"k8s.io/api":         "v0.24.0" 
	"universe.dagger.io": "v0.2.8-0.20220512005159-64cb4f755695"

require: {
	"k8s.io/apimachinery": "v0.24.0" @indirect() 

replace: {
	// replace module with spec version
	"dagger.io":          "github.com/morlay/dagger/pkg/dagger.io@#release-main"
	"universe.dagger.io": "github.com/morlay/dagger/pkg/universe.dagger.io@#release-main"
	 // **notice** only works for current mod
    "github.com/x/a": "../a"

replace: {
	"k8s.io/api": "" @import("go")
	"k8s.io/apimachinery": "" @import("go")

Known issues

pkg name may not same as path

Some path like github.com/istio/istio/manifests/charts/istio-operator, the istio-operator is not a valid identifier in cue-lang. Should import with github.com/istio/istio/manifests/charts/istio-operator:istio_operator