- Pro
Limited fork from "HxC Floppy Emulator Project" generic/universal floppy disk drive emulator
Mirror only. Official repository is at https://git.zx2c4.com/wireguard-apple
Cookbook for JavaScript for Automation in Mac OS X Yosemite
Mattermost API v4 client for ruby
Twitter Text Libraries. This code is used at Twitter to tokenize and parse text to meet the expectations for what can be used on the platform.
☁️ Nextcloud server, a safe home for all your data
Secure, cross-platform Git credential storage with authentication to GitHub, Azure Repos, and other popular Git hosting services.
Iconic font aggregator, collection, & patcher. 3,600+ icons, 50+ patched fonts: Hack, Source Code Pro, more. Glyph collections: Font Awesome, Material Design Icons, Octicons, & more
Notepad like text editor based on the Scintilla source code. Notepad3 based on code from Notepad2 and MiniPath on code from metapath. Download Notepad3:
このリポジトリは、Windows 上での USB メモリ / SD カードイメージ書き込みツールのデファクト・スタンダードとなっている Win32 Disk Imager について、以下の点を改良した 「Win32 Disk Imager Renewal」 の デジタル署名済みの EXE 単体で動作する Win32 / x64 / ARM64 版バイナリ とソースコードを配布するためのもので…
Mattermost Google Calendar Plugin