8000 GitHub - nkapliev/next-bus: Next Bus is a Chrome extension for staying in touch with your next bus/train/ferry
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Next Bus

What is Next Bus?

Next Bus is a Chrome Browser Extension that helps you to be in touch with your bus/train/ferry and do not miss the next one.

Available schedules:

  • Dublin Buses
  • Irish Rails
  • [Add your favourite transport API. See how-to]

How it works

Example of use

How add your bus/train/ferry API

That should be easy as hell:

  1. Add your API host to permissions section in app/manifest.json for fix possible CORS issue

  2. Create new API object at app/js/src/utils/api.js. With 3 necessary fields:

  • url -- a string with url endpoint to your API. Extension will make http GET request to endpoint once per minute (see app/js/src/config.js).
  • paramsBuilder -- a function that should build query object for API request from extension state object.
  • responseHandler -- a function that should handle API response: build object with new data about next buses, or with errors from API.
  1. Add select option for your API to app/poppup.html

  2. Add icons for your API to app/icons/. Read more about icons at https://developer.chrome.com/apps/manifest/icons

If you have any questions, please look at jsDoc in app/js/src/utils/api.js.
Or you could look at this commit where I've added new API for Irish Rails.
Or just ask me ;)



* mvp * api call abstraction for other cities * draw interface * beautify view * icons * linter and precommit checking * browserify + babelify + watchify + sourcemapify ... wtffy is going on with this -fy? * Make errors from background page explicit * move setInterval renew from popup to background script (demon script renew list with setTimeout(xhr) ) * Promises * jsdoc * renew extension icon so user don't have to open popup for checking the bus (badge) * Licence * add bus id input * README.md * Contribute instructions for other cities * Try to follow "Contribute instructions for other cities" and add new api: Dublin trains api * optimize gif and image in readme.md * about page in Chrome Web Store * github descriptions * add favorites


* move TODOs to issues in github * renew app screenshots in store and video in repo * Integrate react.js * Add weather at the top line: "+27 " * Write fallback for API connection failing * Update extension icon when init (after ctrl + R) * Change filter logic in Irish Rails: add filtering for train destination(North: Howth or Malahide?) * draw big and large tiles for Chrome Web Store * github pages? * Think about universal non-ireland related icon. With commute theme. * tests. Hmm should start with them next time :) * Add loglevels * Google Analytics counter. (What is it for?) * Add FF, Safari, etc. * Add ability to add stops from map * Add some static API * Add ability to add API privately (== locally) * Add castomizable view for each API * Add popup notifications * Inline install: https://developer.chrome.com/webstore/inline_installation?hl=en-US * Add youtube video of usage with cats, unicornes and nice music

The Story

On my previous job, our office building was far far away from the closest metro station.
Our company provide comfortable buses with a nice schedule to help us get from the metro station to the office and return after a workday back.
I was always able to open the schedule and find out when I should leave the office to catch the bus just in time and not waiting on a street.

But if you don't want to miss your next bus, you should always have the schedule opened in front of you.
Also, you don't need all schedule; you need only the next bus, the one that will get you to home.
With all this assumptions, my ex-colleague, @ortemij, has created a browser extension benua-helper.

Benua is a name of the office building in the middle of Saint Petersburg, Russia. It's gorgeous. It was named after Alexandre Benois, famous Russian artist. Look at his paintings.

benua-helper was extremely helpful and all our office (700+ people) using it every day.
Thank you @ortemij for saving our time so many times! ;)

When I change my job and move to a different city, I miss that extension a lot.
After a while, I've decided to create my own schedule-helper-extension.
Not only for my new office, but with an ability for everyone to add their API for any buses, or trains, or ferries.

Why I just didn't add some new functionality to benua-helper?

  1. I was wondering how browser extensions work. And the best learning strategy for me is a creating smth from scratch;
  2. benua-helper extension has more specific interface than I need;
  3. It wasn't clearly how to carefully add a configurable mechanism for city transport data API and do not break everything in benua-helper.

Thank you, Nick!

You're welcome!
You're welcome!

Please, ⭐ this repo and rate Next Bus Extension in Chrome Web Store.
Welcome for issues and comments.
And of course, add your transport APIs ;)