This Creative Agency website is the one of the my practices to enchance my knowledge in Svelte Framework. This website contains Home page, Services page, Works or Portfolios page and Contact page. However, for Contact page, it is only work in client side, which is not integration with any backend solution.
Thanks to the Brad Traversy to guide this tutorial, which is I was followed along the Creative Agency Website From Scratch | HTML & CSS on his YouTube channel.
This website was built on top of SvelteKit.
To test this website locally, you need to have Node.js installed on your local machine. Then, kindly download the zip file of the source code. After extract the folder, open the terminal and type
npm install
// This will install all the dependencies of the project
To run this website in development mode, type
npm run dev
To build the original source code into JavaScript bundle, type
npm run build
To run this website in distribution/preview mode, type
npm run preview