- gcc -o main main.c -lGL -lGLU -lglut -lm
- ./main
- gcc -o main main.c -lGL -lGLU -lglut -lm;./main
- more points = more spherical
- less points = more web like view
- awsd to move
- reduce number of points or depth if the program hangs after executing it
Containes 2d attempt in python, multi-dimensional with gravity and a post quantum theory by Jonathan Oppenheim.
- The python attempt was interesting, but not what I was looking for to achieve here
- the gravity version didn't make too much sense to me, which led me to the post quantum theory
- the post quantum theory led me to create a separate repo, which had some cool and interesting results, the version on this repo is the precursor to that repository, which attempts to properly follow the research paper and what is proposed there!
- gcc -o multi-dimensional-with-gravity multi-dimensional-with-gravity.c -lGL -lGLU -lglut -lm
- ./multi-dimensional-with-gravity
DISCLAIMER: Adding gravity here didn't make sense to me, at the end I found a really cool theory I ended up coding!
DISCLAIMER: I ended up creating a new repository for this theory, it was too interesting, needed more attention to be more accurate to the research paper and ended up becoming 500+ lines of C code!
You can check the complete version of the postquantum theory of gravity here!