π: Things that get most of my working time (logarithmic scale)
π: Other things that have a special place in my heart
πͺ¦: Archived
- πππ inventaire: inventaire.io server
- πππ inventaire-client: inventaire.io client
- inventaire-wiki: powering wiki.inventaire.io
- inventaire-query-service: inventaire SPARQL query service, powering query.inventaire.io
- inventaire-query-gui: customized version of wikidata-query-gui, powering query.inventaire.io
- inventaire-data: powering data.inventaire.io
- inventaire-i18n: repository hosting inventaire i18n strings and scripts
- inventaire-api: powering api.inventaire.io
- inventaire-deploy: tools and scripts to setup inventaire.io in production
- stack: inventaire stack visualization in HTML/CSS, powering stack.inventaire.io
- entities-map: inventaire entities map in HTML/CSS, powering inventaire.github.io/entities-map
- communication: inventaire communication assets, inventaire.github.io/communication
- πͺ¦ entities-search-engine: scripts and microservice to feed an ElasticSearch with Wikidata and Inventaire entities, and keep those up-to-date
- ππ wikibase-sdk: JS utils functions to query a Wikibase instance and simplify its results
- ππ wikibase-edit: Edit a Wikibase instance from NodeJS
- ππ wikibase-cli: The command-line interface to Wikibase instances
- π wikibase-dump-filter: Filter and format a newline-delimited JSON stream of Wikibase entities
- wikidata-scripting: examples of scripts to edit Wikidata
- wikibase-cli-template-collection: A collection of wikibase-cli templates
- wikidata-lang: mappings between 2-letters language codes (ISO 639-1) and Wikidata ids
- π hub: Web hub based on Wikidata, powering hub.toolforge.org
- hashtags-hub: A web service to get links to hashtag pages on different web platforms, powering hashtags-hub.toolforge.org
- wikidata-links-enhancer: browser script to display wikidata links under any wikimedia projects pages, just after the header
- wikidata-rss: generate a RSS feed from a WikiChat page
- πͺ¦ wikidata-rank: Attributing scores to Wikidata items, making those available via a web API and dumps, under a CC0 license
- π Time Capsule: a WebExtension to send links to your future self
- π Website History Browser: a WebExtension to browse your history per website
- YouTube Auto LD: a WebExtension to automatically set Youtube video resolution to a lo 8000 w definition, to save resources
- πͺ¦ maximize-telegram-web: maximize Telegram Web so that large messages (like code samples) can be easily read
- carte-rlpi: an SVG map styled in JS, to display cities mayors' positions on outdoor video advertisement
- generateur-d-email: a form to generate emails for people to send to their representatives
- ndjson-apply: apply a JS function to a stream of newline-delimited JSON
- json-apply: A CLI tool to transform JSON files with custom JS functions
- jsondepth: a small command-line tool to walk through the depth levels of a JSON objects
- ndjson-2-json: Minimal CLI converter from newline-delimited JSON to a JSON array
- line-apply: A CLI tool to transform a text stream by applying a JS function to each line
- load-balance-lines: Parallelize newline-delimited data processing by load balancing lines between multiple processes
- start-from: Command-line tool to ignore lines of a stream until a line matches a given pattern, typically to resume an operation from the point where it stopped.
- text-transform-cli: A collection of CLI tools to operate frequently needed text transformations
- unicode-scripts-finder: find which unicode scripts a text is using
- fix-utf8: A collection of CLI tools to operate frequently needed text transformations)
- tiny-chalk: a super tiny chalk fork
- isbn3: ISBN utils: parse, validate, format, audit
- isbn-groups: country and language data on ISBN groups
- blue-cot: A CouchDB library with a simple, functional-programing-friendly API, returning promises
- couchdb-view-by-keys: A CLI tool to query CouchDB views, focused on easing queries with complex JSON keys
- couch-init2: An opiniated CouchDB databases initializer for users of nano-blue
- couchdb-blazegraph-sync: Keep a CouchDB database and a BlazeGraph namespace in sync
- couchdb-backup: command line scripts to dump & restore a CouchDB database
- couchdb-bulk2: pipe newline-delimited JSON into CouchDB
- lev2: A CLI and a REPL for managing LevelDB instances
- os-health-report: A micro server reporting simple information on its (Linux) host machine
- vscode-only-test: A minimalist vscode extension that adds a command to toggle Mocha
to the test the cursor is in - vscode-convert-cjs-to-esm: Command to convert
to a staticimport
- backup-github-repo: Backup all the issues and pull requests of a Github repo, including the comments, events, and labels, as JSON and as HTML
- mini-proxy: a minimalist URL-based proxy
- irc-logger: super-tiny IRC bot to log channels
- task-lottery: Task lottery