8000 GitHub - mattbrailsford/github-discussions-blog-loader: GitHub Discussions Blog Loader for Astro
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GitHub Discussions Blog Loader

This package provides a GitHub Discussions loader for Astro, allowing you to use GitHub Discussions as a blog engine.


This package requires Astro 5.0.0 or later.


npm install github-discussions-blog-loader


You can use the githubDiscussionsBlogLoader in your content configuration at src/content/config.ts:

import { defineCollection } from "astro:content";
import { githubDiscussionsBlogLoader } from "github-discussions-blog-loader";

const blogPosts = defineCollection({
  loader: githubDiscussionsBlogLoader({
      repo: {
          name: GITHUB_REPO_NAME,
          owner: GITHUB_REPO_OWNER,

export const collections = { blogPosts };

You can then use these like any other content collection in Astro:

import type { GetStaticPaths } from "astro";
import { getCollection } from "astro:content";
import type { Post } from "github-discussions-blog-loader";
import Layout from "../../layouts/Layout.astro";

export const getStaticPaths: GetStaticPaths = async () => {
  const blogPosts = await getCollection("blogPosts");
  return blogPosts.map((blogPost) => ({
    params: {
      slug: blogPost.id,
    props: { post: blogPost.data },

type Props = { post: Post };

const { post } = Astro.props;

<Layout title={post.title}>
  <div set:html={post.body}></div>


The githubDiscussionsBlogLoader function takes an options object with the following structure:

  auth: string,
  repo: {
    name: string,
    owner: string,
  incremental?: boolean,
  mappings?: {
    blogPostCategory?: string,
    draftLabel?: string,
    tagLabelPrefix?: string,
    seriesLabelPrefix?: string,
Property Description
auth A GitHub personal access token with permissions to access discussions on the target repository.
repo Details of the GitHub repository to connect to.
repo.name The name of the repository.
repo.owner The owner of the repository.
incremental If true, the loader will only fetch new/updated discussions since the last build. Otherwise the loader will fetch all blog posts on every build. The default is false.
mappings Details of the how to map the GitHub Discussions data to the blog post data.
mappings.blogPostCategory A GitHub Discussions category that defines which discussion category is considered a blog post. The default is undefined and so will fetch all discussions.
mappings.draftLabel The GitHub Discussions label that defines a blog post as draft and so will be excluded from the loaders results. The default is "state/draft".
mappings.tagLabelPrefix A prefix that identifies a GitHub Discussions label as a tag. The default is "tag/".
mappings.seriesLabelPrefix A prefix that identifies a GitHub Discussions label as a series container. The default is "series/".

The default mapping options are available via a DEFAULT_MAPPINGS export and so you can override just the properties you need to change using the spread operator:

import { defineCollection } from "astro:content";
import { githubDiscussionsBlogLoader, DEFAULT_MAPPINGS } from "github-discussions-blog-loader";

const blogPosts = defineCollection({
  loader: githubDiscussionsBlogLoader({
      repo: {
          name: GITHUB_REPO_NAME,
          owner: GITHUB_REPO_OWNER,
      mappings: {
          blogPostCategory: "Article",

export const collections = { blogPosts };

Type Information

The loader will return an array of Post objects, each with the following data structure:


  id: string,
  slug: string
  title: string
  description?: string
  body: string
  created: Date
  updated: Date
  published: Date
  readingTime: string
  category: Category
  tags: string[]
  series?: Series
  author: Actor
  githubUrl: string
  githubDiscussionId: string
  githubDiscussionNumber: number


  id: string
  name: string


  id: string
  name: string


  avatarUrl: string
  username: string
  url: string

TypeScript types are available for all of the above.

import type { Post, Category, Series, Actor } from 'github-discussions-blog-loader'