The badges refer to the dev
Welcome to the MapSwipe app. This is the app that is distributed through as well as through the Google Play and Apple stores. It was initially developed by Doctors without Borders as part of the Missing Maps project.
In a nutshell, here is how MapSwipe works:
- Humanitarian organisations set the parameters for projects through a web-based admin interface.
- Our backend workers process those projects and place them on Firebase. It imports them into groups that are safe for the user to cache locally on their phone (ideally 200 tiles). This image shows an example of how that grouping algorithm works.
- The app fetches the projects from the /projects reference in Firebase through the JavaScript SDK (don't use http requests to Firebase) and displays them to the user.
- The user searches those tiles and classifies them. The results are then synced back to Firebase.
- When a user chooses to map an area, he or she is distributed groups of the project. On completion, the user then gets badges for the distance they've mapped.
The following is an outline of how data typically flows and makes it into the mobile application. Most of the action happens in one of the three areas, namely the backend scripts, Firebase database, and clients.
This application encompasses only the mobile Android & iOS clients. The role of the clients are to retrieve project information (metadata and tile information) so that volunteers can swipe through and tag them. Then, this tagging information is synchronized back to Firebase. The backend scripts (in a separate repository) are responsible for populating and processing the project information in Firebase.
If you'd like to modify and improve MapSwipe, read through the following to get familiar with the project. Please also read CONTRIBUTING.
- The app is written entirely in React Native
- Firebase provides the backend database. It is protected with security rules so that users and contributors to this open source project can not cause damage.
- The workers on the backend are running on Google Cloud and handle pre-processing and post-processing the data.
The app was rebuilt at the end of 2018 on a recent version of react-native, and expanded to support multiple types of tasks, as well as a variety of languages.