I'm Lucas Vieira, a DevOps Specialist living in Brazil. I started to work in IT 10 years ago. I really appreciate the CNCF world, automations, and cloud ecosystem its what moves my day ;d
🌱 I’m currently learning everyday about Cloud Techs & DevOps and also trying to provide the best fit for every cloud :)
✨ My repo where i develop my IAC solutions:
- 👉 IAC-Repo
I’m trying to help peoples to enter in technology area, in Brazil, most part of the population dont have a guidance to study, the education is very bad in schools, and we have had a défict for 500k workers in IT by year. Soo my proposite with @devsdobem is help them with the max as i can, specially to help poor ppls to start in IT area and also we need more developers -_-