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tiny-jdbc是一个基于Spring JdbcTemplate 开发的轻量级数据库ORM工具包,同时支持sql操作、实体类映射操作,让操作数据库这件事变得更加简单!


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一个优雅的 ORM 框架,轻量、灵活、高性能



tiny-jdbc是一个基于Spring Data JDBC开发的轻量、灵活、高性能的数据库ORM框架, 在不改变原有功能的基础上,做了大量的增强,让操作数据库这件事变得更加简单!


  • 轻量级:除了 Spring Data JDBC 本身,再无任何第三方依赖,轻量可靠
  • 性能高:基于高性能的Spring Data JDBC,性能基本无损耗
  • 功能强:既支持原生SQL操作、又支持实体类映射操作,BaseDao里封装了大量的通用方法,配合强大灵活的条件构造器,基本满足各类使用需求
  • 支持 Lambda 形式调用:条件构造器支持Lambda形式调用,编译期增强,无需再担心字段写错
  • 支持主键自动生成:内含多种主键生成策略(包括自增主键、UUID、雪花ID等,也支持自定义ID生成策略)
  • 支持多种数据库分页方言:包括MySQL、ORACLE、DB2、PostgreSql等多种常用数据库,无需配置,自动识别数据库类型


  • 分页插件目前支持MySQL、MARIADB、ORACLE、DB2、PostgreSql、SQLite、H2、OceanBase、openGauss、informix、达梦数据库、瀚高数据库等常见数据库
  • 其他操作支持任何使用标准 SQL 的数据库





  • 或application.properties
  # 打印banner,默认false
  banner: true
  # 分页器适配类型,可不配置,不配置的话会自动获取
  db-type: mysql


  • 实体类对应数据库的一张表
  • 实体类属性名必须使用驼峰命名规则,与数据库表字段一一映射
public class UploadFile implements Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = -1L;

     * @Id注解用于标记表的主键,目前只支持单主键,请不要在多个属性上设置此注解,会导致程序出错
     * value: 则代表的是sequence 序列的 sql 内容,idType=SEQUENCE时,必须设置此内容
     * 注意!
     * 如果设置为 AUTO_INCREMENT 自增主键 的话,则此字段必须为Long
     * 如果设置为 UUID 的话,则此属性类型必须为String
     * 如果设置为 OBJECT_ID 的话,则此属性类型必须为String
     * 如果设置为 ASSIGN_ID 的话,则此属性类型必须为String或者Long
     * 如果设置为 SEQUENCE 的话,则此属性类型必须为Integer或者Long,且必须设置value属性为查询序列值的SQL
     * 如果设置为 CUSTOM 的话,则需要自己实现 IdGeneratorInterface 接口并注册为bean
     * @Column注解用于标记属性和表字段的对应关系
    @Id(idType = IdType.AUTO_INCREMENT)
    @Column(value = "id")
    private Long id;

     * 文件id
    private String fileId;

     * 文件原名称
    private String fileNameOld;

     * 文件新名称
    private String fileNameNew;

     * 文件路径
    private String filePath;

     * 文件md5
    private String fileMd5;

     * 上传时间
    private Date createdAt;

    public Long getId() {
        return id;

    public void setId(Long id) {
        this.id = id;



  • 泛型一为对应实体类,泛型二实体类主键类型
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;
import org.tinycloud.jdbc.BaseDao;
import org.tinycloud.entity.UploadFile;

public class UploadFileDao extends BaseDao<UploadFile, Long> {


import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import org.tinycloud.dao.UploadFileDao;

public class UploadFileService {

    private UploadFileDao uploadFileDao;



  • 描述:表名注解,标识实体类对应的表
  • 使用位置:实体类
public class UploadFile implements Serializable {
 private static final long serialVersionUID = -1L;

属性 类型 必须指定 默认值 描述
value String "" 对应数据库表名


  • 描述:主键注解,标识实体类主键属性
  • 使用位置:实体类属性
 public class UploadFile implements Serializable {
     private static final long serialVersionUID = -1L;
     @Id(idType = IdType.AUTO_INCREMENT)
     @Column(value = "id")
     private Long id;
属性 类型 必须指定 默认值 描述
idType String IdType.INPUT 主键策略
value String "" 若 idType 类型是 sequence, value 则代表的是sequence 序列的 sql 内容,此时必填
INPUT 自行 set 主键值
OBJECT_ID 自动设置 MongoDb objectId 作为主键值
ASSIGN_ID 自动设置 雪花ID 作为主键值
UUID 自动设置 UUID 作为主键值
SEQUENCE 自动设置 调用序列SQL结果 作为主键值
CUSTOM 自定义主键ID生成器,需自行实现 IdGeneratorInterface 接口,详见自定义ID生成器


  • 描述:字段注解,标识实体类属性和字段的对应关系
  • 使用位置:实体类属性
 public class UploadFile implements Serializable {
     private static final long serialVersionUID = -1L;

     @Id(idType = IdType.AUTO_INCREMENT)
     @Column(value = "id")
     private Long id;
     private String fileId;

属性 类型 必须指定 默认值 描述
value String "" 对应数据库字段名

4、BaseDao CRUD接口说明


方法 说明
<F> List<F> select(String sql, Class<F> classz, Object... params); 根据给定的sql和实体类型和参数,查询数据库并返回实体类对象列表
List<T> select(String sql, Object... params); 根据给定的sql和参数,查询数据库并返回实体类对象列表,类型使用的是xxxDao的类型
<F> F selectOne(String sql, Class<F> classz, Object... params); 根据给定的sql和实体类型和参数,查询数据并返回一个实体类对象
T selectOne(String sql, Object... params); 根据给定的sql和参数,查询数据并返回一个实体类对象,类型使用的是xxxDao的类型
List<Map<String, Object>> selectMap(String sql, Object... params); 根据给定的sql和参数,查询数据库并返回Map<String, Object>列表
Map<String, Object> selectOneMap(String sql, Object... params); 根据给定的sql和参数,查询数据并返回一个Map<String, Object>对象
<T> T selectOneColumn(String sql, Class<T> clazz, Object... params); 根据给定的sql和实体类型和参数,查询数据并返回一个值(常用于查count)
Page<F> paginate(String sql, Class<F> clazz, Page<F> page, Object... params); 执行分页查询,返回Page对象,类型使用的Class传入的自定义类型
Page<T> paginate(String sql, Page<T> page, Object... params); 执行分页查询,返回Page对象,类型使用的是xxxDao的类型
T selectById(Object id); 根据主键ID值,查询数据并返回一个实体类对象,类型使用的是xxxDao的类型
T selectByIds(List<ID> ids); 根据主键ID值列表,查询数据并返回实体类对象列表,类型使用的是xxxDao的类型
T selectByIds(ID... id); 根据主键ID值可变参数列表,查询数据并返回实体类对象列表,类型使用的是xxxDao的类型
List<T> select(T entity); 实体类里面非null的属性作为查询条件,查询数据库并返回实体类对象列表,类型使用的是xxxDao的类型
List<T> select(QueryCriteria<T> criteria); 根据查询构造器查询,返回多条,类型使用的是xxxDao的类型
List<T> select(LambdaQueryCriteria<T> lambdaCriteria); 根据查询构造器(lambda)查询,返回多条,查询数据并返回一个实体类对象,类型使用的是xxxDao的类型
T selectOne(T entity); 实体类里面非null的属性作为查询条件,查询数据并返回一个实体类对象,类型使用的是xxxDao的类型
T selectOne(QueryCriteria<T> criteria); 根据查询构造器执行查询,返回一条,类型使用的是xxxDao的类型
T selectOne(LambdaQueryCriteria<T> lambdaCriteria); 根据查询构造器(lambda)执行查询,返回一条,类型使用的是xxxDao的类型
Page<T> paginate(T entity, Page<T> page); 根据实体类里面非null的属性作为查询条件,执行分页查询,类型使用的是xxxDao的类型
Page<T> paginate(QueryCriteria<T> criteria, Page<T> page); 根据查询构造器执行分页查询,返回Page对象,类型使用的是xxxDao的类型
Page<T> paginate(LambdaQueryCriteria<T> lambdaCriteria, Page<T> page); 根据查询构造器(lambda)执行分页查询,返回Page对象,类型使用的是xxxDao的类型
Long selectCount(QueryCriteria<T> criteria); 根据查询构造器执行总记录数查询,返回符合条件的总记录数量
Long selectCount(LambdaQueryCriteria<T> lambdaCriteria); 根据查询构造器(lambda)执行总记录数查询,返回符合条件的总记录数量
boolean exists(QueryCriteria<T> criteria); 根据查询构造器执行查询记录是否存在,返回true或者false
boolean exists(LambdaQueryCriteria<T> lambdaCriteria); 根据查询构造器(lambda)执行查询记录是否存在,返回true或者false


方法 说明
int insert(String sql, final Object... params); 根据提供的SQL语句和提供的参数,执行插入
int insert(T entity); 插入entity里的数据,忽略entity里值为null的属性,如果主键策略为assignId、uuid、objectId或custom,那将在entity里返回自动生成的主键值
int insert(T entity, boolean ignoreNulls); 插入entity里的数据,可选择是否忽略entity里值为null的属性,如果主键策略为assignId、uuid、objectId或custom,那将在entity里返回自动生成的主键值
Long insertReturnAutoIncrement(T entity); 插入entity里的数据,将忽略entity里属性值为null的属性,并且返回自增的主键
Long insertReturnAutoIncrement(T entity, boolean ignoreNulls); 插入entity里的数据,可选择是否忽略entity里值为null的属性,并且返回自增的主键


方法 说明
int update(String sql, final Object... params); 根据提供的SQL语句和提供的参数,执行修改
int updateById(T entity); 根据entity内的主键值作为条件更新数据,默认忽略entity里值为null的属性
int updateById(T entity, boolean ignoreNulls); 根据entity内的主键值更新数据,可选择是否忽略entity里值为null的属性
int update(T entity, UpdateCriteria<T> criteria); 根据entity里的值和条件构造器,执行修改,默认忽略entity里值为null的属性
int update(T entity, LambdaUpdateCriteria<T> criteria); 根据entity里的值和条件构造器(lambda),执行修改,默认忽略entity里值为null的属性
int update(T entity, boolean ignoreNulls, UpdateCriteria<T> criteria); 根据entity里的值和条件构造器,执行修改,可选择是否忽略entity里值为null的属性
int update(T entity, boolean ignoreNulls, LambdaUpdateCriteria<T> criteria); 根据entity里的值和条件构造器(lambda),执行修改,可选择是否忽略entity里值为null的属性
int update(UpdateCriteria<T> criteria); 只根据条件构造器来更新数据,配合.set方法来使用
int update(LambdaUpdateCriteria<T> criteria); 只根据条件构造器(lambda)来更新数据,配合.set方法来使用


方法 说明
int delete(String sql, final Object... params); 根据提供的SQL语句和提供的参数,执行删除
int deleteById(ID id); 根据主键ID进行删除,类型使用的是xxxDao<T, ID>的类型
int deleteByIds(List<ID> ids); 根据主键ID列表进行删除,类型使用的是xxxDao<T, ID>的类型
int deleteByIds(ID... ids); 根据主键ID可变参数列表进行删除,类型使用的是xxxDao<T, ID>的类型
int delete(T entity); 根据entity里的属性值进行删除,entity里不为null的属性,将作为where参数
int delete(UpdateCriteria<T> criteria); 根据条件构造器,将作为where参数
int delete(LambdaUpdateCriteria<T> criteria); 根据条件构造器(lambda),将作为where参数



条件构造器(AbstractCriteria & AbstractLambdaCriteria)

QueryCriteria(LambdaQueryCriteria) 和 UpdateCriteria(LambdaUpdateCriteria) 的父类 用于生成 sql 的 where 条件

方法 说明 示例 lambda示例
eq 等于 = eq("name", "张三") ---> AND name = '张三' eq(User::getName, "张三") ---> AND name = '张三'
orEq 等于 = orEq("name", "张三") ---> OR name = '张三' orEq(User::getName, "张三") ---> OR name = '张三'
notEq 不等于 <> notEq("name", "张三") ---> AND name <> '张三' notEq(User::getName, "张三") ---> AND name <> '张三'
orNotEq 不等于 <> orNotEq("name", "张三") ---> OR name <> '张三' orNotEq(User::getName, "张三") ---> OR name <> '张三'
isNull 等于null isNull("name") ---> AND name IS NULL isNull(User::getName) ---> AND name IS NULL
orIsNull 等于null orIsNull("name") ---> OR name IS NULL orIsNull(User::getName) ---> OR name IS NULL
isNotNull 不等于null isNotNull("name") ---> AND name IS NOT NULL isNotNull(User::getName) ---> AND name IS NOT NULL
orIsNotNull 不等于null orIsNotNull("name") ---> OR name IS NOT NULL orIsNotNull(User::getName) ---> OR name IS NOT NULL
lt 小于 < lt("name", "张三") ---> AND name < '张三' lt(User::getName, "张三") ---> AND name < '张三'
orLt 小于 < orLt("name", "张三") ---> OR name < '张三' orLt(User::getName, "张三") ---> OR name < '张三'
lte 小于等于 <= lte("name", "张三") ---> AND name <= '张三' lte(User::getName, "张三") ---> AND name <= '张三'
orLte 小于等于 <= orLte("name", "张三") ---> OR name <= '张三' orLte(User::getName, "张三") ---> OR name <= '张三'
gt 大于 > gt("name", "张三") ---> AND name > '张三' gt(User::getName, "张三") ---> AND name > '张三'
orGt 大于 > orGt("name", "张三") ---> OR name > '张三' orGt(User::getName, "张三") ---> OR name > '张三'
gte 大于等于 >= gte("name", "张三") ---> AND name >= '张三' gte(User::getName, "张三") ---> AND name >= '张三'
orGte 大于等于 >= orGte("name", "张三") ---> OR name >= '张三' orGte(User::getName, "张三") ---> OR name >= '张三'
in SQL里的IN操作 in("name", {"张三","李四"}) ---> AND name IN ('张三','李四') in(User::getName, "张三") ---> AND name IN ('张三','李四')
orIn SQL里的IN操作 orIn("name", {"张三","李四"}) ---> OR name IN ('张三','李四') orIn(User::getName, "张三") ---> OR name IN ('张三','李四')
notIn SQL里的IN操作 notIn("name", "张三") ---> AND name NOT IN ('张三','李四') notIn(User::getName, "张三") ---> AND name NOT IN ('张三','李四')
orNotIn SQL里的IN操作 orNotIn("name", {"张三","李四"}) ---> OR name NOT IN ('张三','李四') orNotIn(User::getName, "张三") ---> OR name NOT IN ('张三','李四')
between NOT BETWEEN 值1 AND 值2 between("age", 10, 18) ---> AND (age BETWEEN 10 AND 18) between(User::getAge, 10, 18) ---> AND (age BETWEEN 10 AND 18 )
orBetween NOT BETWEEN 值1 AND 值2 orBetween("age", 10, 18) ---> OR (age BETWEEN 10 AND 18) orBetween(User::getAge, 10, 18) ---> OR (age BETWEEN 10 AND 18 )
notBetween NOT BETWEEN 值1 AND 值2 notBetween("age", 10, 18) ---> AND (age NOT BETWEEN 10 AND 18) notBetween(User::getAge, 10, 18) ---> AND (age NOT BETWEEN 10 AND 18 )
orNotBetween NOT BETWEEN 值1 AND 值2 orNotBetween("age", 10, 18) ---> OR (age NOT BETWEEN 10 AND 18) orNotBetween(User::getAge, 10, 18) ---> OR (age NOT BETWEEN 10 AND 18 )
like LIKE '%值%' like("name", "张三") ---> AND name LIKE '%张三%' like(User::getName, "张三") ---> AND name LIKE '%张三%'
orLike LIKE '%值%' orLike("name", "张三") ---> OR name LIKE '%张三%' orLike(User::getName, "张三") ---> OR name LIKE '%张三%'
notLike NOT LIKE '%值%' notLike("name", "张三") ---> AND name NOT LIKE '%张三%' notLike(User::getName, "张三") ---> AND name NOT LIKE '%张三%'
orNotLike NOT LIKE '%值%' orNotLike("name", "张三") ---> OR name NOT LIKE '%张三%' orNotLike(User::getName, "张三") ---> OR name NOT LIKE '%张三%'
like LIKE '%值%' like("name", "张三") ---> AND name LIKE '%张三%' like(User::getName, "张三") ---> AND name LIKE '%张三%'
orLike LIKE '%值%' orLike("name", "张三") ---> OR name LIKE '%张三%' orLike(User::getName, "张三") ---> OR name LIKE '%张三%'
notLike NOT LIKE '%值%' notLike("name", "张三") ---> AND name NOT LIKE '%张三%' notLike(User::getName, "张三") ---> AND name NOT LIKE '%张三%'
orNotLike NOT LIKE '%值%' orNotLike("name", "张三") ---> OR name NOT LIKE '%张三%' orNotLike(User::getName, "张三") ---> OR name NOT LIKE '%张三%'
leftLike LIKE '%值' leftLike("name", "张三") ---> AND name LIKE '%张三' leftLike(User::getName, "张三") ---> AND name LIKE '%张三'
orLeftLike LIKE '%值' orLeftLike("name", "张三") ---> OR name LIKE '%张三' orLeftLike(User::getName, "张三") ---> OR name LIKE '%张三'
notLeftLike NOT LIKE '%值' notLeftLike("name", "张三") ---> AND name NOT LIKE '%张三' notLeftLike(User::getName, "张三") ---> AND name NOT LIKE '%张三'
orNotLeftLike NOT LIKE '%值' orNotLeftLike("name", "张三") ---> OR name NOT LIKE '%张三' orNotLeftLike(User::getName, "张三") ---> OR name NOT LIKE '%张三'
rightLike LIKE '值%' rightLike("name", "张三") ---> AND name LIKE '张三%' rightLike(User::getName, "张三") ---> AND name LIKE '张三%'
orRightLike LIKE '值%' orRightLike("name", "张三") ---> OR name LIKE '张三%' orRightLike(User::getName, "张三") ---> OR name LIKE '张三%'
notRightLike NOT LIKE '值%' notRightLike("name", "张三") ---> AND name NOT LIKE '张三%' notRightLike(User::getName, "张三") ---> AND name NOT LIKE '张三%'
orNotRightLike NOT LIKE '值%' orNotRightLike("name", "张三") ---> OR name NOT LIKE '张三%' orNotRightLike(User::getName, "张三") ---> OR name NOT LIKE '张三%'
or OR 嵌套 or(i -> i.eq("name", "张三").lt("age", 18)) ---> OR (name = '张三' AND age < 18) or(i -> i.eq(User::getName, "张三").lt(User::getAge, 18)) ---> OR (name = '张三' AND age < 18)
and AND 嵌套 and(i -> i.eq("name", "张三").lt("age", 18)) ---> AND (name = '张三' AND age < 18) and(i -> i.eq(User::getName, "张三").lt(User::getAge, 18)) ---> AND (name = '张三' AND age < 18)

查询构造器(QueryCriteria & LambdaQueryCriteria)


方法 说明 示例 lambda示例
orderBy 排序,true=desc orderBy("name", true) ---> ORDER BY name DESC orderBy(User::getName, true) ---> ORDER BY name DESC
orderBy 排序,false=asc orderBy("name") ---> ORDER BY name orderBy(User::getName) ---> ORDER BY name
select 设置查询字段 select("name", "age") ---> SELECT name,age select(User::getName, User::getAge) ---> SELECT name,age
    List<Integer> ids = new ArrayList<Integer>(){{

    QueryCriteria<Person> criteria = new QueryCriteria<>();
    criteria.lt("age", 28);
    criteria.eq("created_at", new java.util.Date());
    criteria.in("id", ids);
    criteria.orderBy("age", true);
// 等价于 WHERE age < 28 AND created_at = '2023-08-05 17:31:26' AND id IN (1,2,3) ORDER BY age DESC

    QueryCriteria<Person> criteria = new QueryCriteria<>();
    criteria.select("id", "name");
// 等价于 SELECT id,name FROM xxxx WHERE age < 28
    List<Long> ids = new ArrayList<Long>(){{

  LambdaQueryCriteria<UploadFile> criteria = new LambdaQueryCriteria<>();
  criteria.lt(UploadFile::getFileId, "1000");
  criteria.eq(UploadFile::getFileMd5, "b8394b15e02c50b508b3e46cc120f0f5");
  criteria.in(UploadFile::getId, ids);
  criteria.orderBy(UploadFile::getCreatedAt, true);

// 等价于  WHERE file_id < '1000' AND file_md5 = 'b8394b15e02c50b508b3e46cc120f0f5' AND id IN (1,2,3) ORDER BY created_at DESC

  LambdaQueryCriteria<UploadFile> criteria = new LambdaQueryCriteria<>();
  criteria.select(UploadFile::getFileId, UploadFile::getFileMd5);
  criteria.lt(UploadFile::getFileId, "1000");
// 等价于 SELECT file_id,file_md5 FROM b_upload_file WHERE file_id < '1000'

更新构造器(UpdateCriteria & LambdaUpdateCriteria)


方法 说明 示例 lambda示例
set 设置更新字段 set("name", "张三") ---> set name = '张三' set(User::getName, "张三") ---> set name = '张三'
setIncrement 设置字段自增 setIncrement("age", 1) ---> set age = age + 1 setIncrement(User::getAge, 1) ---> set age = age + 1
setDecrement 设置字段自减 setDecrement("age", 1) ---> set age = age - 1 setDecrement(User::getAge, 1) ---> set age = age - 1
int num = projectInfoDao.update(new UpdateCriteria<TProjectInfo>()
                .set("created_at", new Date())
                .set("updated_by", "admin3")
                .eq("project_name", "批量项目1"));
// 等价于 UPDATE xxxx SET created_at = '2023-08-05 17:31:26', updated_by = 'admin3' WHERE project_name = '批量项目1'

TProjectInfo project1 = new TProjectInfo();
project1.setCreatedAt(new Date());
int num = projectInfoDao.update(project1, new UpdateCriteria<TProjectInfo>().eq("project_name", "批量项目1"));
// 等价于 UPDATE xxxx SET created_at = '2023-08-05 17:31:26', updated_by = 'admin3' WHERE project_name = '批量项目1'
int num = projectInfoDao.update(new LambdaUpdateCriteria<TProjectInfo>()
                        .set(TProjectInfo::getEnableAt, new Date())
                        .set(TProjectInfo::getUpdatedBy, "admin2")
                .eq(TProjectInfo::getProjectName, "批量项目1"));
// 等价于 UPDATE xxxx SET enable_at = '2023-08-05 17:31:26', updated_by = 'admin2' WHERE project_name = '批量项目1'

TProjectInfo project1 = new TProjectInfo();
project1.setCreatedAt(new Date());
int num = projectInfoDao.update(project1, new LambdaUpdateCriteria<TProjectInfo>().eq(TProjectInfo::getProjectName, "批量项目1"));
// 等价于 UPDATE xxxx SET created_at = '2023-08-05 17:31:26', updated_by = 'admin3' WHERE project_name = '批量项目1'


需要实现 IdGeneratorInterface 接口,并且声明为 Bean 供 Spring 扫描注入


public class CustomIdGeneratorInterface implements IdGeneratorInterface {

    public Object nextId(Object entity) {
        // 可以将当前传入的class全类名来作为业务键,
        // 或者通过反射获取表名进行业务Id调用生成
        String bizKey = entity.getClass().getName();
        // 自定义ID生成策略,推荐最终返回值使用包装类
        Long id = ....;
        // 返回生成的id值即可.
        return id;


public IdGeneratorInterface idGenerator(){
        return new IdGeneratorInterface() {
            public Object nextId(Object entity) {
                // 可以将当前传入的class全类名来作为业务键,
                // 或者通过反射获取表名进行业务Id调用生成
                String bizKey = entity.getClass().getName();
                // 自定义ID生成策略,推荐最终返回值使用包装类
                Long id = ....;
                // 返回生成的id值即可.
                return id;


需要实现 SnowflakeConfigInterface 接口,并且声明为 Bean 供 Spring 扫描注入


public class CustomSnowflakeConfigInterface implements SnowflakeConfigInterface {

    public Pair<Long, Long> getDatacenterIdAndWorkerId() {
        Pair<Long, Long> pair = new Pair<Long, Long>();
        // 自定义datacenterId和workerId生成逻辑
        Long datacenterId = ....;
        Long workerId = ....;
        return pair;


public SnowflakeConfigInterface snowflakeConfigInterface() {
        return new SnowflakeConfigInterface() {
            public Pair<Long, Long> getDatacenterIdAndWorkerId() {
                // 自定义datacenterId和workerId生成逻辑
                Long datacenterId = ....;
                Long workerId = ....;
                return Pair.of(datacenterId, workerId); 


创建 ProjectInfoDao

package org.example.mapper;

import org.example.entity.TProjectInfo;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;
import org.tinycloud.jdbc.BaseDao;

public class ProjectInfoDao extends BaseDao<TProjectInfo, Long> {

  1. 查询操作
private ProjectDao projectDao;

// 查询所有的项目,返回列表
List<TProjectInfo> projectList = projectDao.select("select * from t_project_info order by created_at desc");

// 自定义返回类型,返回列表
List<ProjectInfoVo> projectList = projectDao.select("select * from t_project_info order by created_at desc", ProjectInfoVo.class);

// 查询所有的项目,返回列表
List<TProjectInfo> projectList = projectDao.select("select * from t_project_info order by created_at desc");

// 查询所以的项目,返回Map列表
List<Map<String, Object>>projectList = projectDao.selectMap("select * from t_project_info order by created_at desc");

// 查询id=1的项目,返回列表
List<TProjectInfo> projectList = projectDao.select("select * from t_project_info where id = ? ", 1);

// 模糊查询项目,返回列表
List<TProjectInfo> projectList = projectDao.select("select * from t_project_info where project_name like CONCAT('%', ?, '%')", "测试项目");

// 查询id=1的项目,返回对象
TProjectInfo project = projectDao.selectOne("select * from t_project_info where id = ? ", 1);

// 查询记录数
Integer count = projectDao.selectOneColumn("select count(*) from t_project_info order by created_at desc", Integer.class));

// 分页查询id>100的记录,第一页,每页10个
Page<TProjectInfo> page = projectDao.paginate("select * from t_project_info order by created_at desc where id > ?",new Page<TProjectInfo>(1,10),100));

// 查询id=3的项目信息列表
TProjectInfo project = new TProjectInfo();
List<TProjectInfo> projectList = projectDao.select(project);

// 查询id=3的项目信息
TProjectInfo project = new TProjectInfo();
Project project = projectDao.selectOne(project);

// 查询id=3的项目信息
TProjectInfo project=projectDao.selectById(3L);

// 查询id=3和id=4的项目信息
List<Long> ids = new ArrayList<Long>();
TProjectInfo project=projectDao.selectByIds(ids)

// 查询id=3的项目信息
LambdaQueryCriteria<TProjectInfo> criteria = new LambdaQueryCriteria<>().eq(Project::getId, 3L);
TProjectInfo project = projectDao.selectOne(criteria);

// 查询id=3的项目信息
QueryCriteria<TProjectInfo> criteria = new QueryCriteria<>().eq("id",3L);
TProjectInfo project = projectDao.selectOne(criteria);

// 分页查询id=3的项目信息,第一页,每页10个
TProjectInfo project = new TProjectInfo();
Page<TProjectInfo> page = projectDao.paginate(project,new Page<TProjectInfo>(1, 10));

// 分页查询id=3的项目信息,第一页,每页10个
QueryCriteria<TProjectInfo> criteria = new QueryCriteria()<>.eq("id", 3L);
Page<TProjectInfo> page = projectDao.paginate(criteria,new Page<TProjectInfo>(1, 10));

// 根据条件构造器构建复杂查询条件
// 等价于 `SELECT id,project_name ,del_flag,created_by,updated_by,created_at AS createdAt,updated_at,remark FROM t_project_info WHERE created_by = 'admin' AND del_flag >= 0 AND id IN (1, 5) OR (remark NOT LIKE '%XXX%') ORDER BY created_at DESC`
List<Long> ids = new ArrayList<>();
LambdaQueryCriteria<TProjectInfo> criteria = new LambdaQueryCriteria<>()
    .eq(TProjectInfo::getCreatedBy, "admin")
    .gte(TProjectInfo::getDelFlag, 0)
    .in(TProjectInfo::getId, ids)
    .or(i -> i.notLike(TProjectInfo::getRemark, "XXX"))
    .orderBy(TProjectInfo::getCreatedAt, true);
List<TProjectInfo> projectList = projectDao.select(criteria);

// 根据条件构造器查询记录数量,等价于 `SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t_project_info WHERE id = 1695713712801116162`
LambdaQueryCriteria<TProjectInfo> criteria = new LambdaQueryCriteria<>().eq(Project::getId,1695713712801116162L);
Long count=projectDao.selectCount(criteria);

// 根据条件构造器查询记录是否存在,等价于 `SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t_project_info WHERE id = 1695713712801116162`,然后再判断结果count是否大于0
LambdaQueryCriteria<TProjectInfo> criteria = new LambdaQueryCriteria<>().eq(Project::getId,1695713712801116162L);
boolean result = projectDao.exists(criteria)
  1. 新增操作
private ProjectDao projectDao;

// 使用sql插入一条数据
int result = projectDao.insert("insert t_into project_info(project_name, del_flag, remark) values (?,?,?)","测试项目",1,"XXXXXXX");

// 使用实体类插入一条数据,默认忽略null
TProjectInfo project = new TProjectInfo();
int result=projectDao.insert(project);

// 获取生成的主键id,在主键策略为assignId、uuid或objectId时适用
Long id = project.getId();

// 使用实体类插入一条数据,不忽略null
int result = projectDao.insert(project,false);

// 获取生成的主键id,在主键策略为assignId、uuid或objectId时适用
Long id = project.getId();

// 使用实体类插入一条数据,并返回数据库自增的主键值,默认忽略null
int result = projectDao.insertReturnAutoIncrement(project);
  1. 更新操作
private ProjectDao projectDao;

// 使用sql插入一条数据
int result = baseDao.update(""update project_info set project_name=?where id=?"",new Object[]{"测试项目",1});

// 使用实体类更新一条数据,其中以主键Id值为where条件,默认忽略null,等价于 `update t_project_info set project_name='测试项目',del_flag=1,created_by='admin',remark='XXXX' where id=1`
TProjectInfo project = new TProjectInfo();
int result = baseDao.updateById(project);

// 使用实体类更新一条数据,不忽略null,等价于 `update t_project_info set project_name='测试项目',del_flag=1,created_by='admin',remark='XXXX',updated_by=NULL,created_at=NULL,updated_at=NULL where id=1`
int result = baseDao.updateById(project, false);

// 根据条件构造器(Lambda)作为条件更新一条数据,默认忽略null,等价于 `update t_project_info set project_name='测试项目' where id=1`
TProjectInfo project2 = new TProjectInfo();
LambdaUpdateCriteria<TProjectInfo> criteria = new LambdaUpdateCriteria<>().eq(TProjectInfo::getId(), 1L)
int result=baseDao.update(project2, criteria);

// 根据实体类内容和条件构造器作为条件更新一条数据,默认忽略null,等价于 `update t_project_info set project_name='测试项目' where id=1`
UpdateCriteria<TProjectInfo> criteria = new UpdateCriteria<>().eq("id", 1L)
int result = update.update(project2, criteria);

// 根据实体类内容和条件构造器作为条件更新一条数据,不忽略null,等价于 `update t_project_info set project_name='测试项目',del_flag=NULL,created_by=NULL,remark=NULL,updated_by=NULL,created_at=NULL,updated_at=NULL where id=1`
UpdateCriteria<TProjectInfo> criteria = new UpdateCriteria<>().eq("id", 1L)
int result = update.update(project2, false, criteria);

// 只根据条件构造器作为条件更新一条数据,等价于 `update t_project_info set project_name='测试项目' where id=1`
UpdateCriteria<TProjectInfo> criteria = new UpdateCriteria<>().set("project_name", "测试项目").eq("id",1L);
int result = baseDao.update(criteria);

// 只根据条件构造器(Lambda)作为条件更新一条数据,等价于 `update t_project_info set project_name='测试项目' where id=1`
LambdaUpdateCriteria<TProjectInfo> criteria = new LambdaUpdateCriteria<>().set(TProjectInfo::getProjectName, "测试项目").eq("id",1L);
int result = baseDao.update(criteria);
  1. 删除操作
private ProjectDao projectDao;

// 使用sql删除一条数据
int result = projectDao.delete(""delete from t_project_info where id=?"", new Object[]{1});

// 根据实体类非null内容作为where条件删除一条数据,等价于 `delete from t_project_info where id = 1`
TProjectInfo project = new TProjectInfo();
int result = baseDao.delete(project);

// 根据主键id删除一条数据,等价于 `delete from t_project_info where id = 1`
int result = baseDao.deleteById(1L);

// 根据主键id列表删除多条数据,等价于 `delete from t_project_info where id in (1, 5)`
List<Long> ids = new ArrayList<Long>();
int result = baseDao.deleteByIds(ids);

// 根据主键id数组删除多条数据,等价于 `delete from t_project_info where id in (1, 5)`
List<Long> ids = new ArrayList<Long>();
int result = baseDao.deleteByIds(1L, 5L);

// 根据条件构造器(Lambda)作为查询条件删除一条数据,等价于 `delete from t_project_info where id = 1`
LambdaUpdateCriteria<TProjectInfo> criteria = new LambdaUpdateCriteria<>().eq(Project::getId(), 1L)
int result = baseDao.delete(criteria);

// 根据条件构造器作为查询条件删除一条数据,等价于 `delete from t_project_info where id = 1`
UpdateCriteria<TProjectInfo> criteria = new UpdateCriteria<>().eq("id", 1L)
int result = baseDao.delete(criteria);


使用QueryCriteriaUpdateCriteria时应避免前端传入字段名,防止SQL注入的风险; 如若必须使用由前端传入的动态内容,如使用QueryCriteria.orderBy("任意前端传入字段")进行动态排序,推荐使用工具类 SqlInjectionUtils.check(内容) 先行验证字符串是否存在 SQL注入, 存在则拒绝操作。


该功能依赖 p6spy 组件,需进行配置后方可使用


  • driver-class-name 为 p6spy 提供的驱动类 com.p6spy.engine.spy.P6SpyDriver
  • url 前缀为 jdbc:p6spy 跟着冒号为对应数据库连接地址
  • 该插件有性能损耗,不建议在生产环境中使用。
  • 更多参考 p6spy 官方文档: https://p6spy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html
  1. 引入 p6spy 依赖
  1. application.yml 配置,注意url的中间多了个p6spy
    driver-class-name: com.p6spy.engine.spy.P6SpyDriver
    url: jdbc:p6spy:mysql://
  1. spy.properties 配置

请配置 logMessageFormat=org.tinycloud.jdbc.p6spy.P6SpyLogger


# P6Spy Options File                                            #
# See documentation for detailed instructions                   #
# http://p6spy.github.io/p6spy/2.0/configandusage.html          #
# https://p6spy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/configandusage.html    #

# MODULES                                                       #
#                                                               #
# Module list adapts the modular functionality of P6Spy.        #
# Only modules listed are active.                               #
# (default is com.p6spy.engine.logging.P6LogFactory and         #
# com.p6spy.engine.spy.P6SpyFactory)                            #
# Please note that the core module (P6SpyFactory) can't be      #
# deactivated.                                                  #
# Unlike the other properties, activation of the changes on     #
# this one requires reload.                                     #

# CORE (P6SPY) PROPERTIES                                      #

# A comma separated list of JDBC drivers to load and register.
# (default is empty)
# Note: This is normally only needed when using P6Spy in an
# application server environment with a JNDI data source or when
# using a JDBC driver that does not implement the JDBC 4.0 API
# (specifically automatic registration).

# for flushing per statement
# (default is false)

# sets the date format using Java's SimpleDateFormat routine.
# In case property is not set, milliseconds since 1.1.1970 (unix time) is used (default is empty)

# prints a stack trace for every statement logged
# if stacktrace=true, specifies the stack trace to print

# determines if property file should be reloaded
# Please note: reload means forgetting all the previously set
# settings (even those set during runtime - via JMX)
# and starting with the clean table
# (default is false)

# determines how often should be reloaded in seconds
# (default is 60)

# specifies the appender to use for logging
# Please note: reload means forgetting all the previously set
# settings (even those set during runtime - via JMX)
# and starting with the clean table
# (only the properties read from the configuration file)
# (default is com.p6spy.engine.spy.appender.FileLogger)

# name of logfile to use, note Windows users should make sure to use forward slashes in their pathname (e:/test/spy.log)
# (used for com.p6spy.engine.spy.appender.FileLogger only)
# (default is spy.log)

# append to the p6spy log file. if this is set to false the
# log file is truncated every time. (file logger only)
# (default is true)

# class to use for formatting log messages (default is: com.p6spy.engine.spy.appender.SingleLineFormat)

# Custom log message format used ONLY IF logMessageFormat is set to com.p6spy.engine.spy.appender.CustomLineFormat
# default is %(currentTime)|%(executionTime)|%(category)|connection%(connectionId)|%(sqlSingleLine)
# Available placeholders are:
#   %(connectionId)            the id of the connection
#   %(currentTime)             the current time expressing in milliseconds
#   %(executionTime)           the time in milliseconds that the operation took to complete
#   %(category)                the category of the operation
#   %(effectiveSql)            the SQL statement as submitted to the driver
#   %(effectiveSqlSingleLine)  the SQL statement as submitted to the driver, with all new lines removed
#   %(sql)                     the SQL statement with all bind variables replaced with actual values
#   %(sqlSingleLine)           the SQL statement with all bind variables replaced with actual values, with all new lines removed

# format that is used for logging of the java.util.Date implementations (has to be compatible with java.text.SimpleDateFormat)
# (default is yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ)

# format that is used for logging of the java.sql.Timestamp implementations (has to be compatible with java.text.SimpleDateFormat)
# (default is yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ)

# format that is used for logging booleans, possible values: boolean, numeric
# (default is boolean)

# Specifies the format for logging binary data. Not applicable if excludebinary is true.
# (default is com.p6spy.engine.logging.format.HexEncodedBinaryFormat)

# whether to expose options via JMX or not
# (default is true)

# if exposing options via jmx (see option: jmx), what should be the prefix used?
# jmx naming pattern constructed is: com.p6spy(.<jmxPrefix>)?:name=<optionsClassName>
# please note, if there is already such a name in use it would be unregistered first (the last registered wins)
# (default is none)

# if set to true, the execution time will be measured in nanoseconds as opposed to milliseconds
# (default is false)

# DataSource replacement                                        #
#                                                               #
# Replace the real DataSource class in your application server  #
# configuration with the name com.p6spy.engine.spy.P6DataSource #
# (that provides also connection pooling and xa support).       #
# then add the JNDI name and class name of the real             #
# DataSource here                                               #
#                                                               #
# Values set in this item cannot be reloaded using the          #
# reloadproperties variable. Once it is loaded, it remains      #
# in memory until the application is restarted.                 #
#                                                               #

# DataSource properties                                         #
#                                                               #
# If you are using the DataSource support to intercept calls    #
# to a DataSource that requires properties for proper setup,    #
# define those properties here. Use name value pairs, separate  #
# the name and value with a semicolon, and separate the         #
# pairs with commas.                                            #
#                                                               #
# The example shown here is for mysql                           #
#                                                               #

# JNDI DataSource lookup                                        #
#                                                               #
# If you are using the DataSource support outside of an app     #
# server, you will probably need to define the JNDI Context     #
# environment.                                                  #
#                                                               #
# If the P6Spy code will be executing inside an app server then #
# do not use these properties, and the DataSource lookup will   #
# use the naming context defined by the app server.             #
#                                                               #
# The two standard elements of the naming environment are       #
# jndicontextfactory and jndicontextproviderurl. If you need    #
# additional elements, use the jndicontextcustom property.      #
# You can define multiple properties in jndicontextcustom,      #
# in name value pairs. Separate the name and value with a       #
# semicolon, and separate the pairs with commas.                #
#                                                               #
# The example shown here is for a standalone program running on #
# a machine that is also running JBoss, so the JNDI context     #
# is configured for JBoss (3.0.4).                              #
#                                                               #
# (by default all these are empty)                              #


# P6 LOGGING SPECIFIC PROPERTIES                               #

# filter what is logged
# please note this is a precondition for usage of: include/exclude/sqlexpression
# (default is false)

# comma separated list of strings to include
# please note that special characters escaping (used in java) has to be done for the provided regular expression
# (default is empty)
# comma separated list of strings to exclude
# (default is empty)

# sql expression to evaluate if using regex
# please note that special characters escaping (used in java) has to be done for the provided regular expression
# (default is empty)

#list of categories to exclude: error, info, batch, debug, statement,
#commit, rollback, result and resultset are valid values
# (default is info,debug,result,resultset,batch)

#whether the binary values (passed to DB or retrieved ones) should be logged with placeholder: [binary] or not.
# (default is false)

# Execution threshold applies to the standard logging of P6Spy.
# While the standard logging logs out every statement
# regardless of its execution time, this feature puts a time
# condition on that logging. Only statements that have taken
# longer than the time specified (in milliseconds) will be
# logged. This way it is possible to see only statements that
# have exceeded some high water mark.
# This time is reloadable.
# executionThreshold=integer time (milliseconds)
# (default is 0)

# P6 OUTAGE SPECIFIC PROPERTIES                                #
# Outage Detection
# This feature detects long-running statements that may be indicative of
# a database outage problem. If this feature is turned on, it will log any
# statement that surpasses the configurable time boundary during its execution.
# When this feature is enabled, no other statements are logged except the long
# running statements. The interval property is the boundary time set in seconds.
# For example, if this is set to 2, then any statement requiring at least 2
# seconds will be logged. Note that the same statement will continue to be logged
# for as long as it executes. So if the interval is set to 2, and the query takes
# 11 seconds, it will be logged 5 times (at the 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 second intervals).
# outagedetection=true|false
# outagedetectioninterval=integer time (seconds)
# (default is false)
# (default is 60)


Apache License 2.0 免费用于个人和商业,请放心使用


tiny-jdbc是一个基于Spring JdbcTemplate 开发的轻量级数据库ORM工具包,同时支持sql操作、实体类映射操作,让操作数据库这件事变得更加简单!








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