Base applications and settings for the Liri OS workspace.
- liri-screenshot, screenshot application
- liri-screencast, screencast application
- liri-powermanager, power management
- Settings schemas
- XDG menu definition
Make sure you have Qt >= 5.8.0 with the following modules:
And the following modules:
Themes and wallpapers to honor default settings:
If you do not install those dependencies, please configure the desktop with an alternative icon theme and wallpaper.
Optional services at runtime:
is used byliri-powermanager
to determine whether the system is on battery power or AC power, whether lid is closed or not. Ifupower
is not available, the system is assumed to be a desktop computer on AC power. -
is used byliri-powermanager
to determine whether the system is a virtual machine and the chassis type. Ifsystemd
is not available, the system is assumed to be a bare-metal desktop computer.
Qbs is a new build system that is much easier to use compared to qmake or CMake.
If you want to learn more, please read the Qbs manual, especially the setup guide and how to install artifacts from the installation guide.
If you haven't already, start by setting up a qt5
profile for qbs
qbs setup-toolchains --type gcc /usr/bin/g++ gcc
qbs setup-qt $(which qmake) qt5 # make sure that qmake is in PATH
qbs config profiles.qt5.baseProfile gcc
Then, from the root of the repository, run:
qbs -d build -j $(nproc) profile:qt5 # use sudo if necessary
To the qbs
call above you can append additional configuration parameters:
where most files are installed (default:/usr/local
where data files are installed (default:/usr/local/share
where libraries are installed (default:/usr/local/lib
where QML plugins are installed (default:/usr/local/lib/qml
where Qt plugins are installed (default:/usr/local/lib/plugins
where Qbs modules are installed (default:/usr/local/share/qbs/modules
See lirideployment.qbs for more deployment-related parameters.
Licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3.0 or, at your option, any later version.