This python driver provide a simple python implementation which allow to run ansible playbooks in python. It's just a simple driver based on Python Ansible API to allow developer to run directly ansible through python application.
In my case, I have a python application based in flask (endpoints) and celery for asynchronous tasks. I also use Ansible Tower to run playbooks. And the execution of the playbook is monitored by celery worker to update the database basing in the status of the executed playbook.
After few months, I found the workflow of the application more complicated due to the dependency. So, I decided to execute directly the playbook inside celery worker trough tasks.
First create a playbook with this name and this content:
filename: my-playbook.yml
and below the content of the playbook
- hosts: all
- gather_fact: no
- debug: msg="key=`{{ key }}` and number=`{{ value }}`"
Open python shell:
>>> configuration = {
'ANSIBLE_REMOTE_USER': 'my-remote-user',
'ANSIBLE_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE': 'path-of-my-private-key-file',
'ANSIBLE_PLAYBOOKS_WORKING_DIR': 'path-where-playbooks-located',
'ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD': 'my-vaul-password-to-devault-files',
>>> from pyyansible import AnsibleDriver
>>> driver = AnsibleDriver(config=configuration)
>>> playbook = 'my-playbook.yml'
>>> host = 'remote-server'
>>> extra_vars = {'key': 'value', 'number': 1}
>>> result =, host, extra_vars)
>>> assert result[0] == 0 # This is the result code
>>> assert result[1] == 'RUN_OK' # additional info