Broadcasting to a resource - where you're sending based on what you're looking at instead of who you are - is easy and powerful. This example combines StimulusReflex's "Nothing Morph" concept - a light-weight RPC mechanism - to instruct CableReady to broadcast to everyone's favourite resource, current_user
(which is being converted to User#1).
You can find out more in the CableReady Docs.
- Install and run Redis
- Clone this repo to your machine and go to the project folder
- Run
- Start the server with
rails s
- Open your browser's Console Inspector and go to
- Login as
with the passwordtopsecret
or create your own account
Note that caching in development is locked in the "on" position. This is a good thing.
Part of the reason this example is so powerful is that there's very little to it. That's why it's exciting.
Still, the files you're interested in are likely:
- app/reflexes/example_reflex.rb
- app/channels/application_cable/connection.rb
- app/channels/users_channel.rb
- app/javascript/channels/users_channel.js
Please bring your questions to Discord. We'll be happy to help.