SkipAtom is an approach for creating distributed representations of atoms, for use in Machine Learning contexts. It is based on the Skip-gram model used widely in Natural Language Processing. The SkipAtom approach is described in the paper "Distributed Representations of Atoms and Materials for Machine Learning",
SkipAtom can be installed with:
pip install skipatom
However, this will install a minimal implementation that can be used to work with existing SkipAtom embeddings only. To train new embeddings, SkipAtom should be installed with:
pip install skipatom[training]
Pre-trained 30- and 200-dimensional SkipAtom vectors for 86 atom types are available in the data
in the mp_2020_10_09.dim30.model
and mp_2020_10_09.dim200.model
files. To use the pre-trained vectors, follow the
example in step 4, below.
To create SkipAtom vectors, follow steps 1 to 3 below. A dataset of inorganic crystal structures is required. A dataset
of 126,335 structures obtained from the Materials Project is available in
. From this dataset, pairs of co-occurring atoms will be derived, as depicted in the
schematic below:
These pairs will be used in the training of the SkipAtom vectors. Pairs that were previously derived from the
Materials Project dataset are available in the file data/mp_2020_10_09.pairs.csv.gz
(NOTE: For the following steps 1 to 3, the programs create_cooccurrence_pairs
, create_skipatom_training_data
are installed as console scripts when using pip install skipatom
, and will be usable if
SkipAtom was installed with pip install skipatom[training]
- Create the co-occurrence pairs:
$ create_cooccurrence_pairs \
--data data/mp_2020_10_09.pkl.gz \
--out data/mp_2020_10_09.pairs.csv.gz \
--processes 70 --workers 200 -z
NOTE: Creating the pairs is the most computationally demanding step, and is accelerated by the availability of multiple cores.
- Prepare the data for training:
$ create_skipatom_training_data \
--data data/mp_2020_10_09.pairs.csv.gz \
--out data/
- Create the SkipAtom embeddings:
$ create_skipatom_embeddings \
--data data/ \
--out data/mp_2020_10_09.dim200.model \
--dim 200 --step 0.01 --epochs 10 --batch 1024
- Load and use the model:
from skipatom import SkipAtomInducedModel
model = SkipAtomInducedModel.load(
min_count=2e7, top_n=5)
# atom vector for Si
The model.vectors
will be a NumPy ndarray
, with dimensions N
x M
, where N
is the number of atom
types, and M
is the number of embedding dimensions (e.g. 200). The model.dictionary
maps an atom's symbol to
its index in the model.vectors
There are two kinds of SkipAtom models available: SkipAtomModel
and SkipAtomInducedModel
. The SkipAtomModel
does not perform the induction step when the embeddings are loaded. The SkipAtomInducedModel
must be used to obtain
the induced embeddings. The induction step can be tuned using the min_count
and top_n
parameters when loading the
The skipatom
module also contains several utility functions for pooling atom vectors into distributed representations
of compounds. For example, to create a sum-pooled representation for Bi2Te3
, use the sum_pool
from skipatom import SkipAtomInducedModel, sum_pool
from pymatgen import Composition
model = SkipAtomInducedModel.load(
min_count=2e7, top_n=5)
comp = Composition("Bi2Te3")
pooled = sum_pool(comp, model.dictionary, model.vectors)
# sum-pooled atom vectors representing Bi2Te3
The skipatom
module contains Keras-based implementations of an ElemNet-type neural network (for both
regression and classification), and the Elpasolite neural network described by Zhou et al, in 2018. To use these, it is
necessary to have tensorflow
in the environment. (Have a look at either the requirements.txt
file or the
file for a full list of dependencies.) The neural networks are implemented in the ElemNet
, and ElpasoliteNet
For more information regarding these models, see:
Jha, D., Ward, L., Paul, A., Liao, W. K., Choudhary, A., Wolverton, C., & Agrawal, A. (2018). "ElemNet: Deep Learning the Chemistry of Materials From only Elemental Composition." Scientific reports, 8(1), 1-13.
Zhou, Quan, et al. "Learning atoms for materials discovery." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115.28 (2018): E6411-E6417.
For convenience, a class for assigning one-hot vectors to atoms is included in the skipatom
module. The following
example demonstrates how to use the class:
from skipatom import OneHotVectors
model = OneHotVectors(["Te", "Bi", "Se"])
# one-hot atom vector for Se
# [0. 0. 1.]
For convenience, a class for assigning random vectors to atoms is included in the skipatom
module. The following
example demonstrates how to use the class:
from skipatom import RandomVectors
model = RandomVectors(elems=["Te", "Bi", "Se"], dim=5, mean=0.0, std=1.0)
# random atom vector for Se
# [ 1.00470084 0.64535562 -1.1116041 1.12440526 -1.66262765]
A class for loading pre-trained/existing atom vectors is included in the skipatom
module. The following example
demonstrates loading Mat2Vec vectors from a file (included in this repository):
from skipatom import AtomVectors
model = AtomVectors.load("data/mat2vec.dim200.model")
# Mat2Vec atom vector for Se
# [0.5476523637771606, 0.28294137120246887, -0.1327364146709442, ...
Files containing pre-trained Atom2Vec vectors are also included in the data
folder in this repository, and can be
used in the same way.
To perform the experiments in the SkipAtom paper, follow the steps outlined in this section. Note that you must have a Python environment with tensorflow 2.3 and scikit-learn 0.24, in addition to the skipatom library and its dependencies.
To perform experiments with the MatBench datasets, the data files of interest will first need to be downloaded from
Once the MatBench data file for a task of interest is downloaded, use it to create a dataset that can be utilized to train an ElemNet-like model. This file will contain the input representations for the model, as well as the corresponding target values. From the root of this project:
$ python bin/ \
--data out/matbench_expt_gap.json.gz \
--out out/one_hot_matbench_expt_gap.pkl.gz \
--atoms data/atoms.txt \
--representation one-hot \
--pooling sum
The command above assumes that the MatBench data file, matbench_expt_gap.json.gz
, is in a directory named out
. Also,
an atoms.txt
file must be provided, listing the atoms supported (an example file exists in the data
The --out
argument accepts the location of the resulting dataset file. Note that it will be a gzipped file. Finally,
the type of representation to use, and the pooling operation to use, must also be specified.
Once the dataset file is generated, train and evaluate the model using repeated k-fold cross-validation. From the root of this project:
$ python bin/ \
--dataset out/one_hot_matbench_expt_gap.pkl.gz \
--architecture elemnet \
--results out/results \
--models out/models
Since the MatBench tasks described in the paper make use of an ElemNet-like architecture, the --architecture
argument is given elemnet
. Two directories, in this example, out/results
and out/models
, must
already exist before
is invoked. They will be where the .csv results file and the best models will be
placed, respectively. The
program also accepts arguments for specifying the number of splits, the batch
size, etc.
To perform experiments with the Elpasolite dataset, a pre-processed data file included in this project,
, can be utilized. A dataset that can be utilized with the ElpasoliteNet model must
first be generated. From the root of this project:
$ python bin/ \
--data data/abc2d6_training.pkl \
--out out/one_hot_elpasolite.pkl.gz \
--atoms data/atoms.txt \
--representation one-hot
The command above utilizes the existing data file, abc2d6_training.pkl
. Also, an atoms.txt
file must be
provided, listing the atoms supported (an example file exists in the data
directory). The --out
argument accepts
the location of the resulting dataset file. Note that it will be a gzipped file. Finally, the type of representation
to use must also be specified.
Once the dataset file is generated, train and evaluate the model using k-fold cross-validation. From the root of this project:
$ python bin/ \
--dataset out/one_hot_elpasolite.pkl.gz \
--architecture elpasolite \
--results out/results \
--models out/models
We must use the ElpasoliteNet architecture, hence the --architecture
argument is given elpasolite
Two directories, in this example, out/results
and out/models
, must already exist before
is invoked.
They will be where the .csv results file and the best models will be placed, respectively. The
also accepts arguments for specifying the number of splits, the batch size, etc.
To perform experiments with the OQMD dataset, a pre-processed file included in this project,
, can be utilized. A dataset that can be utilized with the ElemNet-like architecture
must first be generated. From the root of this project:
$ python bin/ \
--data data/oqmd-dataset-processed.csv \
--out out/one_hot_oqmd.pkl \
--atoms data/atoms.txt \
--representation one-hot \
--pooling sum
The command above utilizes the existing data file, oqmd-dataset-processed.csv
. Also, an atoms.txt
file must be
provided, listing the atoms supported (an example file exists in the data
directory). The --out
argument accepts
the location of the resulting dataset file. Note that it will not be a gzipped file. Finally,
the type of representation to use, and the pooling operation to use, must also be specified.
Once the dataset file is generated, train and evaluate the model using k-fold cross-validation. From the root of this project:
$ python bin/ \
--dataset out/one_hot_oqmd.pkl \
--architecture elemnet \
--results out/results \
--models out/models
Since the OQMD task described in the paper make use of an ElemNet-like architecture, the --architecture
argument is given elemnet
. Two directories, in this example, out/results
and out/models
, must
already exist before
is invoked. They will be where the .csv results file and the best models will be
placed, respectively. The
program also accepts arguments for specifying the number of splits, the batch
size, etc.
This repository includes data from the Materials Project.
A. Jain*, S.P. Ong*, G. Hautier, W. Chen, W.D. Richards, S. Dacek, S. Cholia, D. Gunter, D. Skinner, G. Ceder, K.A. Persson (*=equal contributions). The Materials Project: A materials genome approach to accelerating materials innovation. APL Materials, 2013, 1(1), 011002.
This repository includes data from the OQMD database.
Saal, J. E., Kirklin, S., Aykol, M., Meredig, B., and Wolverton, C. "Materials Design and Discovery with High-Throughput Density Functional Theory: The Open Quantum Materials Database (OQMD)", JOM 65, 1501-1509 (2013).
This repository includes data from
Faber, F. A., Lindmaa, A., Von Lilienfeld, O. A., & Armiento, R. (2016). Machine Learning Energies of 2 Million Elpasolite (ABC2D6) Crystals. Physical Review Letters, 117(13), 135502.