- Redis is key-value pair in-memory(RAM) database
- One string value limit is 512 MB.
Setup Redis server with Redis-Stack (GUI) using docker images
docker run -d --name redis-stack -p 6379:6379 -p 8001:8001 redis/redis-stack:latest
--name = name of container i.e redis-stack which is anything given by user -d = it runs container in background (detached mode) -p = map port 6379 to 6379 where 6379 is redis server default port -p = map port 8001 to 8001 where 8001 is redis-stack (gui) default port redis-stack/latest = latest of version of redis-stack server
At first, the image will not be found in our system, then docker automatically fetch from the docker hub where the redis-stack image is hosted/located. and then will run the images.
After succesfully image run we can see the gui of redis in port
Navigate to docker container where our redis server is located
docker exec -it containerId bash -it = interactive mode where we can write, delete, edit, .. bash = open bash terminal where we can put command
Test if
is exists in bash or notredis-cli ping redis-cli = entry command Result = PONG
Store data in
in key-value pairset <entity>:<id> value i.e set user:name parbat set user:age 12 user:name, user:age = key parbat, 12 = value **Set multiple key value** *mset user:name "hacker" message:1 "Ola gamostas"*
Get data from key
get <entity>:<id> i.e get user:name get user:age G**et multiple key value** *mget user:name message:1*
Store data only if key doesn’t exists using (
) and calledLocks
set <entity>:<id> value nx
Counter increment/decrement using
set count 0 incr count result= 1 incrby count 10 result= 10 decr count result= 9 decrby count 5 result= 4