Built with the Next.js 14 App Router, Clerk for Auth - with Passkeys, Github and Google Sign in, React, OpenAI - Whisper API, ShadCN UI library for components, React Markdown, NeonDb, UploadThing, Stripe for payments, Webhooks, TypeScript, TailwindCSS and more.
- 🌐 Next.js 14 App Router & Server Actions
- 🤖 OpenAI API for audio transcription and blog post generation
- 🔐 Authentication with Clerk (Passkeys, Github, and Google Sign-in)
- 📝 AI-powered blog post generation based on audio transcription
- 💳 Stripe integration for payments and subscription management
- 💾 NeonDb for database management
- 📤 UploadThing for file uploads
- 🎙️ Audio and video file processing (up to 25MB)
- 📜 TypeScript for type safety
- 💅 TailwindCSS for styling
- 🎨 ShadCN UI library for beautiful components
- 🔒 Secure file handling and processing
- 🪝 Webhook implementation for Stripe events
- 💰 Stripe integration for custom pricing table, payment links, and subscriptions
- 📊 User dashboard for managing blog posts
- 🖋️ Markdown editor for blog post editing
- 📱 Responsive design for mobile and desktop
- 🔄 Real-time updates and path revalidation
- 🚀 Deployment-ready (likely for Vercel)
- 🔔 Toast notifications for user feedback
- 📈 Performance optimizations
- 🔍 SEO-friendly blog post generation
- 📊 Recent blog posts display
- 🔐 Protected routes and API endpoints
To get started with this project, you need to do the following,
- Please fork the repo
- Copy the .env.example variables into a separate .env.local file
- Create the credentials mentioned in the Youtube tutorial to get started!
If you want to make changes and contribute to this project, you'll need to create a fork first. Forking creates a copy of the original project in your own GitHub account. This lets you experiment with edits without affecting the main project.
Look for the "Fork" button in the top right corner of the project on GitHub. Clicking it will create a copy under your account with the same name.
After forking the project, you can clone it just like you usually do.
- Clerk for making this project possible