Virtual crawl is a roguelite boilerplate.
clone the repo, then pull the mini-dungeon assets from we might build our own, but for now you need to go get them). Unzip them, then put them in the assets folder in it's own directory mini-dungeon
Now you can launch the game with:
npm run start
This boilerplate assembles a large stack of underlying libraries to make a simple surface to build roguelites using traditional roguelike techniques.
- electron using commonjs on the backend and browser native ESM on the frontend so views can be refreshed with a reload.
- submesh-treadmill to render the gameworld, handle markers, and physics (with cannon.js) using three.js
- procedural-layouts to generate purely ascii/ansi dungeon definitions which are delivered to the client for
- skeleton-keyhole to render the ascii tiles as maptiles for the minimap
- we serve maptiles using tilestrata a traditional map tile server compatible with many slippy map libraries
- We use FBX models to encapsulate our creatures
- [TODO] Markers use Sutra.js