8000 GitHub - karelbilek/keyfunc: Create a jwt.Keyfunc for JWT parsing with a JWK Set or given cryptographic keys (like HMAC) in Golang.
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Create a jwt.Keyfunc for JWT parsing with a JWK Set or given cryptographic keys (like HMAC) in Golang.


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The purpose of this package is to provide a jwt.Keyfunc for the github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/v4 package using a JSON Web Key Set (JWK Set or JWKS) for parsing and verifying JSON Web Tokens (JWTs).

There is legacy support for github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go and its popular forks. It's in a separate project to keep this project minimal. If your use case supports a legacy fork, please see: github.com/MicahParks/compatibility-keyfunc.

It's common for an identity provider, such as Keycloak or Amazon Cognito (AWS) to expose a JWKS via an HTTPS endpoint. This package has the ability to consume that JWKS and produce a jwt.Keyfunc. It is important that a JWKS endpoint is using HTTPS to ensure the keys are from the correct trusted source.

This repository only depends on: github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/v4

jwt.Keyfunc signatures are imported from these, implemented, then exported as methods.

Supported Algorithms

Currently, this package supports JWTs signed with a kty that matches one of the following:

Additionally, the supported EC elliptical curve types are below:

  • P-256
  • P-384
  • P-521

For OKP, EdDSA, only the Ed25519 curve type is supported. (I have not found a standard library package that supports Ed448.)

This does include HMAC keys. For an example using HMAC keys, please see the examples/hmac directory. Do not expose HMAC keys in public facing JWKS, as HMAC keys are secret keys that do not use public key cryptography.

If there are cryptographic algorithms, curve types, or something else already standardized that you'd like supported in this Go package, please open an issue or pull request.

Basic usage

For complete examples, please see the examples directory.

import "github.com/MicahParks/keyfunc"

A note on read-only keys

The JWKS.ReadOnlyKeys method returns a read-only copy of a map[string]interface{}. The key to this map is the key ID, kid, and the value is the cryptographic key. This is a useful map for use of keys within a JWKS outside of github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/v4.

The map itself is a copy. So it can be modified safely. However, the values are of type interface{}. If these values are modified, it may cause undefined behavior.

Preconditions: Acquire the JWKS URL, JSON, or gather cryptographic keys (given keys)

A JWKS URL is not required, one can be created directly from JSON with the keyfunc.NewJSON function.

// Get the JWKS URL from an environment variable.
jwksURL := os.Getenv("JWKS_URL")

// Confirm the environment variable is not empty.
if jwksURL == "" {
	log.Fatalln("JWKS_URL environment variable must be populated.")

Step 1: Create the JWKS


// Create the JWKS from the resource at the given URL.
jwks, err := keyfunc.Get(jwksURL, keyfunc.Options{}) // See recommended options in the examples directory.
if err != nil {
	log.Fatalf("Failed to get the JWKS from the given URL.\nError: %s", err)


// Get the JWKS as JSON.
var jwksJSON = json.RawMessage(`{"keys":[{"kid":"zXew0UJ1h6Q4CCcd_9wxMzvcp5cEBifH0KWrCz2Kyxc","kty":"RSA","alg":"PS256","use":"sig","n":"wqS81x6fItPUdh1OWCT8p3AuLYgFlpmg61WXp6sp1pVijoyF29GOSaD9xE-vLtegX-5h0BnP7va0bwsOAPdh6SdeVslEifNGHCtID0xNFqHNWcXSt4eLfQKAPFUq0TsEO-8P1QHRq6yeG8JAFaxakkaagLFuV8Vd_21PGJFWhvJodJLhX_-Ym9L8XUpIPps_mQriMUOWDe-5DWjHnDtfV7mgaOxbBvVo3wj8V2Lmo5Li4HabT4MEzeJ6e9IdFo2kj_44Yy9osX-PMPtu8BQz_onPgf0wjrVWt349Rj6OkS8RxlNGYeuIxYZr0TOhP5F-yEPhSXDsKdVTwPf7zAAaKQ","e":"AQAB","x5c":["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"],"x5t":"IYIeevIT57t8ppUejM42Bqx6f3I","x5t#S256":"TuOrBy2NcTlFSWuZ8Kh8W8AjQagb4fnfP1SlKMO8-So"},{"kid":"ebJxnm9B3QDBljB5XJWEu72qx6BawDaMAhwz4aKPkQ0","kty":"EC","alg":"ES512","use":"sig","crv":"P-521","x":"YQ95Xj8MTzcHytbU1h8YkCN2kdEQA7ThuZ1ctB9Ekiw6tlM9RwL62eQvzEt4Rz8qN69uRqgU9RzxQOkSU5xVvyo","y":"SMMuP3QnAPHtx7Go2ARsG3NBaySWBLmVvS8s2Ss7Vm_ISWenNbdjKOsY1XvtiQz5scGzWDCEUoZzgV8Ve1mLOV0"},{"kid":"TVAAet63O3xy_KK6_bxVIu7Ra3_z1wlB543Fbwi5VaU","kty":"EC","alg":"ES384","use":"sig","crv":"P-384","x":"Pik2o5as-evijFABH5p6YLXHnWw8iQ_N1ummPY1c_UgG6NO0za-gNOhTz2-tsd_w","y":"e98VSff71k19SY_mHgp3707lgQVrhfVpiGa-sGaKxOWVpxd2jWMhB0Q4RpSRuCp5"},{"kid":"arlUxX4hh56rNO-XdIPhDT7bqBMqcBwNQuP_TnZJNGs","kty":"RSA","alg":"RS512","use":"sig","n":"hhtifu8LL3ICE3BAX5l1KZv6Lni0lhlhBusSfepnpxcb4C_z2U71cQTnLY27kt8WB4bNG6e5_KMx9K3xUdd3euj9MCq8vytwEPieeHE1KXQuhJfLv017lhpK_dRMOHyc-9-50YNdgs_8KWRkrzjjuYrCiO9Iu76n5319e-SC8OPvNUglqxp2N0Sp2ltne2ZrpN8T3OEEXT62TSGmLAVopRGw5gllNVrJfmEyZJCRrBM6s5CQcz8un0FjkAAC4DI6QD-eBL0qG3_NR0hQvR1he2o4BLwjOKH45Pk_jj-eArp-DD6Xq6ABQVb5SNOSdaxl5lnmuotRoY3G5d9YSl-K3w","e":"AQAB","x5c":["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"],"x5t":"geiCPGtT_10T8xGLUK1LA0_YQEE","x5t#S256":"dLp3_QNGwMbYll5VecnR8Q9NSeFVfqJPBTa2_8qf48I"},{"kid":"tW6ae7TomE6_2jooM-sf9N_6lWg7HNtaQXrDsElBzM4","kty":"RSA","alg":"PS512","use":"sig","n":"p32N7jqKfMUB6_dKY1uZ3wizzPlBAXg9XrntfUcwNLRPfTBnshpt4uQBf3T8fexkbzhtR18oHvim-YvcWfC5eLGQmWHYiVwACa_C7oGqx51ijK2LRbUg4TKhnZX2X3Ld9xvr3HsosKh2UXn_Ay8nuvdfH-U6S7btT6a-AIFlt3BpqZP0EOl7rY-ie8nXoA13xX6BoyzYiNcugdYCU6czQcmTIJ1JLS0zohi4aTNehRt-1VMRpIMx7q7Ouq3Zhbi7RcDo-_D8FPRhWc2eEKd-h8ebFTIxEOrkguBIomjEFTf3SfYbOB_h-14v9Q2yz-NzyId3-ujRCQGC0hn-cixe2w","e":"AQAB","x5c":["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

// Create the JWKS from the resource at the given URL.
jwks, err := keyfunc.NewJSON(jwksJSON)
if err != nil {
	log.Fatalf("Failed to create JWKS from JSON.\nError: %s", err)

Via a given key:

// Get an HMAC key.
key := []byte("example secret")
uniqueKeyID := "myKeyID"

// Create the JWKS from the HMAC key.
jwks := keyfunc.NewGiven(map[string]keyfunc.GivenKey{
	uniqueKeyID: keyfunc.NewGivenHMAC(key),

Additional options can be passed to the keyfunc.Get function. See keyfunc.Options and the additional features mentioned at the bottom of this README.md.

Step 2: Use the JWKS.Keyfunc method as the jwt.Keyfunc when parsing tokens

// Parse the JWT.
token, err := jwt.Parse(jwtB64, jwks.Keyfunc)
if err != nil {
	return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse token: %w", err)

The JWKS.Keyfunc method will automatically select the key with the matching kid (if present) and return its public key as the correct Go type to its caller.

Test coverage

Test coverage is currently >85%.

Testing could be improved by signing all JWTs during the tests themselves. Alternatively, using JWTs that do not expire would accomplish the same purpose. There are some hard-coded JWTs which are expired. This means the tests with hard coded JWTs cannot check for parsing and validation errors, just errors within the jwt.Keyfunc itself.

Additional features

These features can be configured by populating fields in the keyfunc.Options argument to the keyfunc.Get function.

  • A background refresh of the JWKS keys can be performed.
    • A custom background refresh interval can be specified. For an example, please see the examples/interval directory.
    • A custom background refresh request context timeout can be specified. Defaults to one minute. For an example, please see the examples/ctx directory.
    • A custom background refresh error handling function can be specified. If none is specified, errors go unhandled silently. For an example, please see the examples/recommended_options directory.
    • A custom rate limit can be specified to prevent too many requests for a JWKS refresh. For an example, please see the examples/recommended_options directory.
    • JWTs with a previously unseen kid can prompt an automatic refresh of the remote JWKS resource. This should be paired with RefreshRateLimit to prevent abuse. For an example, please see the examples/recommended_options directory.
  • A custom HTTP client can be used.
  • A custom HTTP request factory can be provided to create HTTP requests for the remote JWKS resource. For example, an HTTP header can be added to indicate a User-Agent.
  • A custom HTTP response extractor can be provided to get the raw JWKS JSON from the *http.Response. For example, the HTTP response code could be checked. Implementations are responsible for closing the response body.
  • A custom whitelist of acceptable JSON Web Key "use" parameter values can be specified. Values not whitelisted will cause an error from the .Keyfunc method. This whitelist can be disabled with the JWKUseNoWhitelist option.
    • By default, only JSON Web Keys with a "use" parameter value of "sig", an empty string "", or a completely omitted "use" parameter will be returned. The default behavior changed in v1.5.0.
    • This "use" whitelisting behavior is only available with keyfunc.Get. It is not available with keyfunc.NewJSON or keyfunc.NewGiven. Please open a GitHub issue if you would like this feature added to the other creation methods.
  • A map of JWT key IDs (kid) to keys can be given and used for the jwt.Keyfunc. For an example, see the examples/given directory.
  • A copy of the latest raw JWKS []byte can be returned.
  • Custom cryptographic algorithms can be used. Make sure to use jwt.RegisterSigningMethod before parsing JWTs. For an example, see the examples/custom directory.
  • The remote JWKS resource can be refreshed manually using the .Refresh method. This can bypass the rate limit, if the option is set.
  • There is support for creating one jwt.Keyfunc from multiple JWK Sets through the use of the keyfunc.GetMultiple.


Trailing padding is required to be removed from base64url encoded keys inside a JWKS. This is because RFC 7517 defines base64url the same as RFC 7515 Section 2:

However, this package will remove trailing padding on base64url encoded keys to account for improper implementations of JWKS.

This package will check the alg in each JWK. If present, it will confirm the same alg is in a given JWT's header before returning the key for signature verification. If the algs do not match, keyfunc.ErrJWKAlgMismatch will prevent the key being used for signature verification. If the alg is not present in the JWK, this check will not occur.

Related projects

A JWK Set implementation. Currently, it is only server-side assets. keyfunc is my JWK Set client-side implementation. This project has not had a stable release yet.

A JWK Set client proxy. JCP for short. This project is a standalone service that uses keyfunc under the hood. It primarily exists for these use cases:

  1. The language or shell a program is written in does not have an adequate JWK Set client. Validate JWTs with curl? Why not?
  2. Restrictive networking policies prevent a program from accessing the remote JWK Set directly.
  3. Many co-located services need to validate JWTs that were signed by a key that lives in a remote JWK Set.

If you can integrate keyfunc directly into your program, you likely don't need JCP.


This project was built and tested using various RFCs and services. The services are listed below:


Create a jwt.Keyfunc for JWT parsing with a JWK Set or given cryptographic keys (like HMAC) in Golang.







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