A simple game for a name reveal party. Guests (players) go to a website, sign in with their own name and then start guessing what the name of the baby will be. The first person to guess wins.
Made with React, Next.js and FaunaDB. Hosted by Vercel.
The background image /public/bg.jpg
is made by aomam.ss, Dribbble.
- List of legal Icelandic names for women on Wikipedia. Note that the list might not be up to date. Iceland had an archaic law that mandateded that a committee had to approve names. So the list may be continuously growing. https://is.wikipedia.org/wiki/Listi_yfir_%C3%ADslensk_eiginnöfn_kvenmanna
- A list of all legal Icelandic names. This list seems to be current as of 2014. https://opingogn.is/dataset/acdcc1d5-a407-48d2-9530-2a8d626dccc7/resource/27dc8c43-247e-4797-a603-87853637e038/download/nafnalisti.csv
- A method to normalize diacritic letters https://stackoverflow.com/questions/990904/remove-accents-diacritics-in-a-string-in-javascript