This extension is based on Neyamtux_Authenticator, which offers 2FA for the backend.
- Ability to force frontend 2FA for specific customer groups;
- 2FA is enforced for chosen customer groups meaning the customer has to either setup or authenticate before continuing after logging in;
- All customers in any group can optionally set their own 2FA;
- Open the customer in the backend to be able to reset the 2FA secret;
- Dutch translation files.
composer require elgentos/frontend2fa
php bin/magento module:enable Elgentos_Frontend2FA
php bin/magento module:enable Neyamtux_Authenticator
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
To bypass the 2FA requirement for a specific logged in user, for example if you are using a Single Sign-On system for certain users, set this value in their customer session:
Setup page (in My Account)
2FA authentication after logging in when setup is done
Configuration in backend
2FA reset button in backend
This project is licensed under the MIT License