IEnumerable extension methods which provide easy frame-based object caching.
LinqCache.FramePassed() must be called every frame.
LINQCached caches IEnumerable elements and stores them in a temporary list which it then keeps returning for the next X frames instead of enumerating over the IEnumerable elements over again. This can be useful in the following scenarios:
foreach( var elem in collection
.Where(x => ExpensiveCheck(x))
.Cached(60, 0)
.Where(x => QuickPostCacheCheck(x)) )
// ...
It can also be used to cache additional info about the elements:
foreach( var cachedElemInfo in collection
.Cached(60, 0, x => return new CachedInfo(x)) )
// ...
foreach( var cachedElemInfo in collection
.Cached(60, 0, (Foo foo, CachedFoo cachedFoo) => cachedFoo.attribute = ExpensiveFooAttributeCalculation(foo)) )
// ...
LINQCached tries to minimize memory allocations.