This repository contains scripts that I used to test Linkerd2 on my GKE cluster.
Provision a GCP custom VPC in 4 regions (us-west1, us-west2, us-east1, us-east2) and a GKE cluster:
$ make infra
Create managed DNS zone:
$ DNS_DOMAIN=<dns_domain> make infra/managed-zones
Deploy ExternalDNS:
$ PROVIDER=google make external-dns
Install linkerd CLI:
$ make linkerd-cli
Install linkerd:
$ make linkerd
Deploy applications:
$ make apps/nginx
$ make apps/cockroachdb
$ make apps/emojivoto
$ make apps/redis
$ make apps/guestbook
$ make apps/stars
The infra
folder contains a set of bash scripts for creating the custom VPC, subnets, firewall rules and GKE cluster.
The apps
folder contains the following applications used for testing the cluster:
- nginx (src) - 3-replica deployment with a load balancer service and network policies
- cockroachdb - 3-replica statefulset with dynamic storage provisioning
- emojivoto (src) - an emoji votes web application with an ingress frontend
- guestbook + redis (src) - the guestbook application from the EKS Getting Started docs
- stars (src) - the Calico stars policy demo
Delete applications:
$ make apps/nginx-delete
$ make apps/cockroachdb-delete
$ make apps/emojivoto-delete
$ make apps/redis-delete
$ make apps/guestbook-delete
$ make apps/stars-delete