10000 GitHub - hypothesis/h: Annotate with anyone, anywhere.
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h is the web app that serves most of the https://hypothes.is/ website, including the web annotations API at https://hypothes.is/api/. The Hypothesis client is a browser-based annotator that is a client for h's API.


Join us on Slack (request an invite or log in once you've created an account).

If you'd like to contribute to the project, you should also subscribe to the development mailing list and read our Contributor's guide. Then consider getting started on one of the issues that are ready for work.

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.

Setting up Your h Development Environment

First you'll need to install:

  • Git. On Ubuntu: sudo apt install git, on macOS: brew install git.
  • GNU Make. This is probably already installed, run make --version to check.
  • pyenv. Follow the instructions in pyenv's README to install it. The Homebrew method works best on macOS. The Basic GitHub Checkout method works best on Ubuntu. You don't need to set up pyenv's shell integration ("shims"), you can use pyenv without shims.
  • Docker Desktop. On Ubuntu follow Install on Ubuntu. On macOS follow Install on Mac.
  • Node and npm. On Ubuntu: sudo snap install --classic node. On macOS: brew install node.
  • Yarn: sudo npm install -g yarn.

Then to set up your development environment:

git clone https://github.com/hypothesis/h.git
cd h
make services
make devdata
make help

See the Contributor's guide for further instructions on setting up a development environment and contributing to h.

Changing the Project's Python Version

To change what version of Python the project uses:

  1. Change the Python version in the cookiecutter.json file. For example:

    "python_version": "3.10.4",
  2. Re-run the cookiecutter template:

    make template
  3. Re-compile the requirements/*.txt files. This is necessary because the same requirements/*.in file can compile to different requirements/*.txt files in different versions of Python:

    make requirements
  4. Commit everything to git and send a pull request

Changing the Project's Python Dependencies

To Add a New Dependency

Add the package to the appropriate requirements/*.in file(s) and then run:

make requirements

To Remove a Dependency

Remove the package from the appropriate requirements/*.in file(s) and then run:

make requirements

To Upgrade or Downgrade a Dependency

We rely on Dependabot to keep all our dependencies up to date by sending automated pull requests to all our repos. But if you need to upgrade or downgrade a package manually you can do that locally.

To upgrade a package to the latest version in all requirements/*.txt files:

make requirements --always-make args='--upgrade-package <FOO>'

To upgrade or downgrade a package to a specific version:

make requirements --always-make args='--upgrade-package <FOO>==<X.Y.Z>'

To upgrade all packages to their latest versions:

make requirements --always-make args=--upgrade