A MERN application for basic tasks management.
- Features
- Tools and Technologies
- Dependencies
- Dev-dependencies
- Prerequisites
- Installation and setup
- Backend API
- frontend pages
- npm scripts
- Useful Links
- Contact
- Signup
- Login
- Logout
- Add tasks
- View tasks
- Update tasks
- Delete tasks
- Toasts for success and error messages
- Form validations in frontend and backend
- Fully Responsive Navbar
- Token based Authentication
- Use of 404 page for wrong urls
- Relevant redirects
- Global user state using Redux
- Custom Loaders
- Use of layout component for pages
- Use of theme colors
- No external CSS files needed (made using Tailwind CSS)
- Usage of Tooltips
- Dynamic document titles
- Redirect to previous page after login
- Use of various React hooks
- Custom hook also used (useFetch)
- Routes protection
- Middleware for verifying the user in backend
- Use of different HTTP status codes for sending responses
- Standard pratices followed
- Javascript
- Tailwind CSS
- Node.js
- Express.js
- React
- Redux
- Mongodb
Following are the major dependencies of the project:
- axios
- react
- react-dom
- react-redux
- react-router-dom
- react-toastify
- redux
- redux-thunk
- bcrypt
- cors
- dotenv
- express
- jsonwebtoken
- mongoose
Following are the major dev-dependencies of the project:
- nodemon
- concurrently
- Node.js must be installed on 764E the system.
- You should have a MongoDB database.
- You should have a code editor (preferred: VS Code)
Install all the dependencies
npm run install-all
Create a file named ".env" inside the backend folder. Add data from .env.example file and substitute your credentials there.
Start the application
npm run dev
Go to http://localhost:3000
- POST /api/auth/signup - POST /api/auth/login - GET /api/tasks - GET /api/tasks/:taskId - POST /api/tasks - PUT /api/tasks/:taskId - DELETE /api/tasks/:taskId - GET /api/profile
- / Home Screen (Public home page for guests and private dashboard (tasks) for logged-in users) - /signup Signup page - /login Login page - /tasks/add Add new task - /tasks/:taskId Edit a task
At root:
npm run dev
: Starts both backend and frontendnpm run dev-server
: Starts only backendnpm run dev-client
: Starts only frontendnpm run install-all
: Installs all dependencies and dev-dependencies required at root, at frontend and at backend.
Inside frontend folder:
npm start
: Starts frontend in development modenpm run build
: Builds the frontend for production to the build foldernpm test
: Launches the test runner in the interactive watch modenpm run eject
: This will remove the single build dependency from the frontend.
Inside backend folder:
npm run dev
: Starts backend using nodemon.npm start
: Starts backend without nodemon.
This project
- Github Repo: https://github.com/aayush301/MERN-task-manager
Official Docs
- Reactjs docs: https://reactjs.org/docs/getting-started.html
- npmjs docs: https://docs.npmjs.com/
- Mongodb docs: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/introduction/
- Github docs: https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/quickstart/hello-world
Youtube tutorials
- Expressjs: https://youtu.be/L72fhGm1tfE
- React: https://youtu.be/EHTWMpD6S_0
- Redux: https://youtu.be/1oU_YGhT7ck
Download links
- Nodejs download: https://nodejs.org/
- VS Code download: https://code.visualstudio.com/
- Git cheatsheet: https://education.github.com/git-cheat-sheet-education.pdf
- VS Code keyboard shortcuts: https://code.visualstudio.com/shortcuts/keyboard-shortcuts-windows.pdf
- CSS Selectors Cheatsheet: https://frontend30.com/css-selectors-cheatsheet/
- Email: aayush5521186@gmail.com
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aayush12/