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This repo contains the BWaveR software implementation.
- zlib
It is suggested to create a conda environment to easily handle the dependencies.
To build the BWT and the MAP executables, type the following command in the terminal:
make BWT MAP
./BWT <ref> <kmer> <f_bwt>
ref = path to the reference FASTA file (uncompressed or gzipped);
kmer = length of kmers employed for the BWT computation;
f_bwt = name of the output file containing the BWT and the Suffix Array of the reference.
Compute BWT and Suffix Array of E.Coli reference, using kmers of length 51, and store them in a file named ecoli.bwt:
./BWT ./test_data/EColi.fas.gz 51 ./test_data/ecoli.bwt
- f_bwt = intermediate text file containing the BWT and the Suffix Array of the reference
./MAP <reads> <f_bwt> <f_output> <block_dim> <superblock>
reads = path to the reads FASTQ file (uncompressed or gzipped);
f_bwt = name of the file containing the BWT and the Suffix Array of the reference;
f_output = name of the output file containing the mapping results;
block_dim = dimension of blocks employed for building the RRR sequences (max = 15, bigger is unuseful for real genomes);
superblock = grouping factor for blocks in the RRR sequences (currently, max = 100 in MAP_FAST);
Map the read library ecoli1000 to the E.Coli reference, using blocks of 8 bits and a grouping factor of 50. Store the mapping results in a file named ecoli.res:
./MAP ./test_data/ecoli1000.fq.gz ./test_data/ecoli.bwt ./test_data/ecoli.res 8 50
- f_output = human-readable file containing the mapping results, using the following syntax:
> <read_name> | [<read_length> bp] | <strand> <N_occurrences>:
<space-separated list of N positions in the reference>
The strand is represented through a + or a - symbol:
+ means the read has occurrence(s) on the original strand represented in the reference sequence;
- means the read has occurrence(s) on the complementary strand.
> r373/1 | [35 bp] | + 1:
> r376/1 | [35 bp] | + 2:
2727106 3424705
> r376/1 | [35 bp] | - 5:
697882 472945 431543 604067 4413850
> r383/1 | [35 bp] | - 1: