Set of React components that use the Web Speech API to bring voice experience to React applications. Check out the ✨ 💎 LIVE DEMO 💎 ✨
Install the components using npm:
$ npm install --save react-voice-components
- Import components:
import { VoicePlayer, VoiceRecognition } from 'react-voice-com
- Use it:
text="React voice player demonstration"
Provides you a simple React component to do speech synthesis (text to speech).
Property | Options | Description |
play | boolean | Specifies if the speech should be played when mounted. |
pause | boolean | Specifies if the speech should pause |
text | string | Specifies the text that shall be spoken. |
lang | en-US , en-GB , es-ES , fr-FR , it-IT , de-DE , ja-JP , pt-BR , zh-CN |
Specifies the accent and language the speech will be spoken. |
Property | Description |
onStart | Runs when the speech starts to be spoken. |
onEnd | Runs when the speech completes to be spoken. |
onPause | Runs when te speech is paused. |
onResume | Runs when the speech is resumed. |
Provides you a simple React component to do voice recognition (speech to text).
Property | Options | Description |
continuous | boolean | Specifies if the recognition should continue when the user pauses while speaking. |
stop | boolean | Specifies if the recognition should be stoped (when used with continuous=true ) |
Property | Description |
onStart | Runs when the recognition starts. |
onEnd | Runs when the recognition ends. |
onError | Runs when there is a recognition error. |
onResult | Runs when there is a recognition result. |
- Fork it!
- Create your feature branch:
git checkout -b my-new-feature
- Commit your changes:
git commit -m 'Add some feature'
- Push to the branch:
git push origin my-new-feature
- Submit a pull request :D
MIT (c) 2017 Guilherme Rv Coelho