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v2 - A Minimalistic 2D Symplectic Vector Space JavaScript Class

A short overview about symplectic geometry in vector space ℝ2 is given in this Cheat Sheet. If you want to learn more, read this. In a nutshell:

"The standard inner (dot) product together with an orthogonal operator is the symplectic inner product."

Symplectic geometry is a geometry of even dimensional spaces in which area measurements, rather than length measurements, are the fundamental quantities. Benefits are:

  • Symplectic geometry is coordinate free, i.e. coordinates aren't needed except weexplicitly want them.
  • The definition of an explicit origin is not required.
  • Transformation matrices are rarely need. Similarity transformation mostly does what we want.

v2 class library in its version 3.0 has undergone considerable changes. We now have v2 objects as well as v2 static functions. Latter work with arbitrary objects as long as these expose x and y members or x and y getters and setters.

  • v2 objects
    • Properties
    • operator methods
    • mutator methods
  • v2 static functions
    • analysis functions
    • operator functions
    • mutator functions

v2 objects are of v2.prototype. They own two member values x and y. Polar coordinates – magnitude r and angle w – are accessible and modifyable via getters and setters. Given that they are exactly as lightweight as plain {x,y} objects with Object.prototype.

v2 objects


Property Data Type Access Comment
x number member x-coordinate
y number member y-coordinate
r number getter magnitude / length, polar-coordinate
r number setter If value is positive, magnitude is set to that value and angle w is preserved.
If value is negative, magnitude is set to absolute value and angle w is corrected to opposite direction angle.
w number getter get angle to pos. x-axis in [rad] in range [-pi ... pi]
w number setter set angle to pos. x-axis in [rad]
unit v2 getter get unit direction vector.
unit v2 setter set direction vector to unit direction vector of v, while preserving its magnitude.
isUnit boolean getter is this vector a unit vector.
isZero boolean getter is this vector zero vector.
clone v2 getter get clone of this vector.
sqr number getter get magnitude squared.
tilde v2 getter get orthogonal vector.
neg v2 getter get negative vector of this vector.
inv v2 getter get inverse vector of this vector.
plain {x,y} getter get equivalent plain vector {x,y} of this vector.

Non-modifying Operator Methods

v2 vector operations are non-modifying by nature. If result value is a vector, it's always a temporarily created new one.

Consider vector expression (a+b-c)*s, with a,b,c being vectors and s a scalar. An appropriate representation using operator functions reads


None of the used vectors a,b,c are modified. Instead three temporary vector objects are created by each method used. Think (((a+b)-c)*s), where each parenthesis pair creates a temporary vector.

Method Result Type Argument(s) Comment
equals boolean v Compare vector for coordinate equality with v within numerical range of Number.EPSILON.
add v2 v Add vector v to this vector returning a temporary vector.
sub v2 v Subtract vector v from this vector returning a temporary vector.
dot number v Dot (inner) product with argument vector v.
symp number v Symplectic inner product with argument vector v.
scl v2 s Scale this vector by argument factor s returning a temporary vector.
rot v2 dw Rotate this vector by argument angle dw [rad] returning a temporary vector.
simtrf v2 (lam,mu) Similarity transform this vector by two scalar values lam and mu returning a temporary vector.

Modifying Mutator Methods

Whereas operator methods never modify the current vector, mutator methods (starting with letter i – read inplace) intentionally do exactly that. Consider vector expression (a+b-c)s again. When using mutator methods


only the first operator method add creates a tempory vector object, which is then succeedingly reused and overwritten by mutator methods isub and iscl (read 'inplace subtract' and 'inplace scale'). So using mutator methods that way we can save memory and improve performance.

Method Result Type Argument(s) Comment
iadd v2 v inplace add vector v to this vector.
isub v2 v inplace subtract vector v from this vector.
ineg v2 inplace negate this vector.
iinv v2 inplace invert this vector.
itilde v2 inplace orthogonalize this vector.
iscl v2 s inplace scale this vector by scalar s.
irot v2 dw inplace rotate vector by difference angle dw in [rad].
isimtrf v2 (lam,mu) inplace Similarity transform by two scalar values lam and mu..
freeze v2 make this vector immutable.

Please note that methods not returning a vector don't need an accompanying inplace method.

Static v2 Functions

v2 has three types of static vector functions:

  • Aalysis functions (isZero, isUnit, equals, len/r, angle/w, sqr)
  • Operator functions (unit, tilde/perp, neg, sum/add, dif/sub, rot, scl, simtrf, dot, symp)
  • Mutator functions (set, set_len/set_r, set_angle/set_w, set_unit, ineg, itilde/iperp, isum/iadd, idif/isub, irot, iscl, isimtrf, case1, case2, case3, case4, case5)

Analysis and Operator functions never modify their vector arguments. They work on arbitrary objects as long as these expose readable x and y members or x and y getters. Here is an example:

const cir = { x:100, y:200, r: 50 }, 
      pnt = { x: 30, y:150 },
      dist = v2.r(v2.dif(cir,pnt)) - cir.r;  // dist = 36.02325

In contrast Mutator functions intentionly modify their arguments. So they avoid creating temporary objects, which might be advantageous for memory saving and performance reasons. Mutator functions usually require argument objects with writeable x and y members or x and y getters and setters. Mutator functions accompanying operator functions ar distinguished by a prefixed letter i.

const box = {
   x0:100, y0:200, b:100, h:60,
   // center point
   get x()  { return this.x0 + this.b/2; },
   set x(q) { this.x0 = q - this.b/2; },
   get y()  { return this.y0 + this.h/2; },
   set y(q) { this.y0 = q - this.h/2; }
v2.iadd(box,{x:50,y:75})    // box = { x0:150, y0:275, b:100, h:60 }

Analysis Functions

Function Result Type Argument(s) Comment
v2.isZero boolean v Test for zero vector within range Number.EPSILON.
v2.isUnit boolean v Test for unit vector within range Number.EPSILON.
v2.equals boolean (a,b) Test two (plain) vectors for equality within range of Number.EPSILON.
number v get magnitude of vector v.
number v get angle of (plain) vector v with respect to positive x-axis in [rad].
v2.sqr number v Get magnitude squared of (plain) vector v.

Operator Functions

Operator functions work on arbitrary objects as long as these expose xand y members or xand y getters. They do not modify their arguments.

Function Result Type Argument(s) Comment
v2.unit {x,y} v get unit vector of (plain) vector v.
v2.clone {x,y} v Get clone of (plain) vector v
{x,y} v Get orthogonal vector from (plain) vector v.
v2.neg {x,y} v Get negative vector from (plain) vector v.
v2.inv {x,y} v Get inverse vector from (plain) vector v.
v2.dot number (a,b) Dot (inner) product of two (plain) vectors.
v2.symp number (a,b) Symplectic inner product of two (plain) vectors.
{x,y} (a,b) Sum of two (plain) vectors.
{x,y} (a,b) Difference of two (plain) vectors.
v2.scl {x,y} (v,s) Get (plain) vector v scaled by s.
v2.rot {x,y} (v,dw) Get (plain) vector v rotated by dw in [rad].
v2.simtrf {x,y} (v,lam,mu) Get similarity-transformed vector v by two scalar values lam and mu.

Mutator Functions

Mutator functions work on arbitrary objects as long as these expose x and y members or xand y getters and setters. They might modify their arguments.

Functions case1, case2, case3, case4, case5 allow to easily solve the five cases of the planar triangle equation.

Function Result Type Argument(s) Comment
v2.set {x,y} (a,b) Set vector a to coordinates of vector b returning a.
{x,y} (v,r) Change magnitude of (plain) vector v to r, while preserving its direction. Returns v.
{x,y} (v,w) Change angle of (plain) vector v to w in [rad], while preserving its magnitude. Returns v.
v2.set_unit {x,y} (a,b) Change unit vector of (plain) vector a to unit vector of (plain) vector b, while preserving its magnitude. Returns a.
{x,y} v Replace vector v by its orthogonal vector.
v2.ineg {x,y} v Replace vector v by its negative vector.
v2.iinv {x,y} v Replace vector v by its inverse vector .
{x,y} (a,b) Add vector b to vector a. Returns modified a.
{x,y} (a,b) Subtract vector b from vector a. Returns modified a.
v2.iscl {x,y} (v,s) Inplace scale vector v by s.
v2.irot {x,y} (v,dw) Inplace rotate vector v by angle dw in [rad].
v2.isimtrf {x,y} (v,lam,mu) Inplace similarity-transform vector v by scalar factors lam and mu.
v2.cstrLen {x,y} (a,b,ratio) Length constraint. Adjust magnitude of vector a by ratio with respect to vector b.
v2.cstrAng {x,y} (a,b,ratio) Angular constraint. Adjust angle of vector a by ratio with respect to vector b.
v2.case1 (a,b,c) First (trivial) case of the planar vector triangle equation. Magnitude and direction of vector a is modified.
v2.case2 (a,b,c,sgn) Second case of the planar vector triangle equation. Magnitude of vector a and direction of vector b is modified with respect to sign sgn of requested solution.
v2.case3 (a,b,c) Third case of the planar vector triangle equation. Magnitude of vector a and magnitude of vector b is modified.
v2.case4 (a,b,c,sgn) Fourth case of the planar vector triangle equation. Direction of vector a and direction of vector b is modified with respect to sign sgn of requested solution.
v2.case5 (a,b,c,sgn) Fifth case of the planar vector triangle equation. Direction and magnitude of vector a as well as direction of vector b (needs to be orthogonal to a) is modified with respect to sign sgn of requested solution.

v2 is minimal and well suited for graphics, physics and engineering applications. It is tiny. v2 weights 22 kB uncompressed and 6 kb minified.

Node Installation

npm install v2d

const v2 = require('v2d');
const u = v2(3,4);


<script src="v2.js"></script>
   const u = v2(3,4);


npm run test


Use the link https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/goessner/v2/v2.js for uncompressed and https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/goessner/v2/v2.min.js for minified version.

In HTML use ...

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/goessner/v2/v2.min.js"></script>


v2 is licensed under the terms of the MIT License. See LICENSE-MIT for details.

#Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

3.0.0 - 2021-22-05

Fundmental rewrite. Provide lightweight objects and static functions.

1.3.8 - 2016-12-07


  • scl and iscl function: default value [=1] of second parameter factor removed. Value 0 is allowed and supported now.

1.3.1 - 2016-07-05


  • isimtrf function for applying inplace similarity transform.
  • Examples to API docs added.

1.3.0 - 2016-07-04


  • polar function for converting to polar coordinates.
  • cartesian function for converting from polar to cartesian coordinates.
  • ipolar function for inplace converting to polar coordinates.
  • icartesian function for inplace converting from polar to cartesian coordinates.


  • toPolar previous converting function marked as obsolete. Use polar instead.
  • fromPolar previous converting function marked as obsolete. Use cartesian instead.

1.2.0 - 2016-05-14


`simtrf` function for applying efficient similarity transformation @goessner.

1.1.0 - 2016-01-08


toPolar function @goessner.
fromPolar function @goessner.
CHANGELOG.md @goessner.