Releases: gkonovalov/android-vad
Releases · gkonovalov/android-vad
- Specified ProGuard rules in library modules.
- Deprecated method 'setContinuousSpeechListener' has been removed.
- ProGuard rules have been introduced.
- AudioUtils has been refactored, and the 'utils' module has been removed.
- Gradle dependencies have been updated.
- Now, all model classes (VadWebRTC, VadSilero, and VadYamnet) are closable.
- Updated JavaDoc for all files.
- Updated Build Gradle dependency.
- Updated logic for processing false positive results;
- Deprecated setContinuousSpeechListener() method;
- Added proper validation for speechDurationMs() and speechDurationMs();
- Updated Tensorflow Lite Audio library;
- Refactoring;
- Updated all dependencies.
- Added support of different audio data types;
- Updated dependencies and lowered minSdkVersion;
- Fixed issue related to initialization of maxSilenceFramesCount and maxSpeechFramesCount.
- WebRTC VAD has been updated and multiarch compilation has been properly configured.
- Introduced a new model based on Deep Neural Networks (DNN) - Silero VAD DNN, resulting in improved speech detection capabilities;
- Global Refactoring: The project underwent a comprehensive refactoring process, improving code structure, readability, and maintainability;
- Transition to Kotlin: The entire project has been migrated from Java to Kotlin, leveraging the benefits of Kotlin's concise syntax and enhanced features;
- Library and Dependency Updates: All libraries and dependencies have been updated to their latest versions, ensuring compatibility and incorporating bug fixes and performance improvements;
- Added Kotlin Bom which will properly align all dependencies;
- Integration of ONNX Runtime: The library now includes ONNX Runtime dependencies, enabling efficient execution of ONNX models and expanding the range of supported models.
- Upgraded all libraries;
- Added comments for every method in;
- Removed andoridx.appcompat from VAD project;
- Fixed issue with wrong Frame Sizes in