8000 GitHub - fpantigny/piton: The LuaLaTeX package piton
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Readme for the package piton

Author: F. Pantigny (fpantigny@wanadoo.fr).

CTAN page: https://ctan.org/pkg/piton

GitHub page: github.com/fpantigny/piton


The LaTeX extension piton is distributed under the LPPL 1.3 license.


The package piton provides tools to typeset computer listings, with syntactic highlighting, by using the Lua library LPEG. It requires the use of lualatex and won't work with xelatex nor pdflatex.


The package piton is present in the distributions MiKTeX, TeXLive and MacTeX.

For a manual installation:

  • put the files piton.ins and piton.dtx in the same directory;
  • run latex piton.ins in that directory.

The files piton.sty and piton.lua will be generated.

These files piton.sty and piton.lua are the only files necessary to use the extension piton. You have to put them in the same directory as your document or (best) in a texmf tree.