To use this package:
require 'ztorch'
It introduces two new tensor-types: torch.ZFloatTensor
and torch.ZDoubleTensor
A brief summary:
- ALL functions in the torch.Tensor API are supported for arbitrary dimensions (except those for which you wouldn't have a complex operation). This includes:
- All BLAS and LAPACK operations supported on a Float tensor.
- All comparison operators, +,-,*,/ overloading
- Convolution functions: conv2, xcorr2, conv3, xcorr3 etc.
- For comparison functions like :lt() :gt() etc. and :sort(), the complex absolute value is used to compare two complex numbers.
- You can copy from a (Float/Double/Int/Byte/etc.)Tensor to a ZFloatTensor.
- There are two semantics to keep in mind for copies from Real to Complex
- If your ZFloatTensor and RealTensor are both of size AxB then the Real Tensor is copied into the real part and the imaginary part is 0. a=torch.ZFloatTensor(2,3):copy(torch.randn(2,3))
- If your ZFloatTensor is of size AxB and RealTensor is of size AxBx2 then the last dimension is treated as real/imaginary pairs. a=torch.ZFloatTensor(2,3):copy(torch.randn(2,3,2))
- and torch.load work out of the box.
- Random generators are not supported. You have to generate a random float tensor and copy over.
- Additional functions added are:
- conj - complex conjugate
- proj - projection of z onto the Riemann sphere (
- arg - argument (also called phase angle) of z, with a branch cut along the negative real axis. (
- re - Returns the real part as a FloatTensor (they dont share storages)
- im - Returns the imag part as a FloatTensor (they dont share storages)
This section is divided into examples for complex numbers, and complex tensors.
###Defining numbers
a = 3+4i
b = 2i
###Mathematical operations
> 3+6i
cx=require 'ztorch.complex'
c = a+b
> 6.7082039324994
NOTE: look at this subtle difference. Always create complex numbers properly bracketed, or put them into variables:
> 3+17i -- WRONG
> -11+27i -- CORRECT
> -11+27i -- CORRECT
The following operations are defined in ztorch.complex:
- sin, cos, tan, asinh, acosh, atanh, sinh, cosh, tanh, asin, acos, atan
- log, exp
- pow, sqrt
- conj, abs, arg
##Complex Tensors
One new tensor type is introduced called torch.ZFloatTensor. You would use it just like any other tensor.
a = torch.ZFloatTensor(2,3) -- complex tensor of dimensions 2, 3
###Random tensors
a:normal() -- fill the tensor with normally distributed values with zero-mean, std-1
a:normal(-1, 10) -- normally distributed,
-1 mean, 10 std
Similarly, you have all the RNG specified for a usual regular tensor, such as:
uniform, logNormal, bernoulli, cauchy, geometric, exponential, random
###Copying from a Real Tensor
You can construct a complex tensor from a float tensor in two ways: ####1. Complex tensor from purely real tensor:
-- Copy from (Float/Double/Byte/Int/...)Tensor
> -0.1834
> 2.1850
> 0.5873
> 1.0355
> 1.5442
> 0.5493
> [torch.DoubleTensor of dimension 6]
> -0.1834+0.0000i 2.1850+0.0000i 0.5873+0.0000i
> 1.0355+0.0000i 1.5442+0.0000i 0.5493+0.0000i
> [torch.ZFloatTensor of dimension 2x3]
####2. Complex tensor from a real tensor with last-dimension of size 2. In this case, we the last dimension consists of pairs of real/imaginary parts.
-- when the RealTensor is of size AxBx2 where the ZFloatTensor is of size AxB,
-- the last dimension of the real tensor is used as real+imag pairs
> (1,.,.) =
> 0.1556 -2.6688
> 1.5863 -0.2113
> 0.0980 -0.0120
> (2,.,.) =
> 0.6998 1.7506
> 1.1829 0.9513
> 0.0612 0.6046
> [torch.DoubleTensor of dimension 2x3x2]
> 0.1556-2.6688i 1.5863-0.2113i 0.0980-0.0120i
> 0.6998+1.7506i 1.1829+0.9513i 0.0612+0.6046i
> [torch.ZFloatTensor of dimension 2x3]
You can treat this as any other tensor, making operations such as:
:view, :reshape, :index, :select etc.
You cannot directly copy a complex tensor to a real tensor, because such an equivalent operation does not exist mathematically. However, you can for example get the real and imaginary components separately, or get the element-wise absolute value as a real tensor.
a = torch.ZFloatTensor(4,3):normal()
-- get real part as a FloatTensor (does not share storage)
b = a:re()
-- get imaginary part as a FloatTensor (does not share storage)
c = a:im()
-- get absolute value as a FloatTensor
e = a:abs()
###Mathematical operations
-- fill
a = torch.ZFloatTensor(2,3) -- complex tensor of dimensions 2, 3
> 1.0000+3.0000i 1.0000+3.0000i 1.0000+3.0000i
> 1.0000+3.0000i 1.0000+3.0000i 1.0000+3.0000i
> [torch.ZFloatTensor of dimension 2x3]
-- norm
> 2.4494897427832+7.3484692283495i
> 6+0i
-- conjugate
> 1.0000-3.0000i 1.0000-3.0000i 1.0000-3.0000i
> 1.0000-3.0000i 1.0000-3.0000i 1.0000-3.0000i
> [torch.ZFloatTensor of dimension 2x3]
-- conjugate transpose
b = a:conj():t()
b = a:clone():fill(1+9i)
-- addition
c = a + b -- out-of-place
a:add(b) -- in-place
-- subtraction
c = a - b -- out-of-place
a:add(-1, b) -- in-place
-- dot product, i.e. a. conj(b)
c = a * b -- a and b are vectors
-- matrix vector product (new result buffer)
c = a * b
-- matrix vector product (existing result buffer)
c:addmv(1, a, b)
-- matrix matrix multiplication (new result buffer)
c = a * b
-- matrix matrix multiplication (existing result buffer)
c:addmm(1, a, b)
-- outer product of vectors (new result buffer)
c = t:ger(a, b)
-- outer product of vectors (existing result buffer)
c = t:addr(1, a, b)
####Linear layer
require 'nn'
m = nn.Linear(10,20):type('torch.ZFloatTensor')
m:reset() -- to make sure the imaginary parts are filled with random values
-- use it like any regular neural net layer
input = torch.ZFloatTensor(10):normal()
output = m:forward(input)
gradients = torch.ZFloatTensor(20):normal()
m:backward(input, gradients)