I am a staff scientist at the Institut für Kernphysik, Institute for Advanced Simulation, and Jülich Supercomputing Centre, Forschungszentrum Jülich. I leverage leadership-class supercomputing to solve problems in quantum field theory. This often involves large-scale HMC calculations.
You can find me on the arXiv, inSPIRE, google scholar or track my ORCiD.
2021-present Staff Scientist, Institut für Kernphysik, Institute for Advanced Simulation, and Jülich Supercomputing Centre, Forschungszentrum Jülich
2019-2021 Research Assistant Professor, Maryland Center for Fundamental Physics, University of Maryland.
2016-2019 Postdoctoral Researcher, Institut für Kernphysik and Institute for Advanced Simulation, Forschungszentrum Jülich
2013-2016 Postdoctoral Researcher, [Lattice field theory group] at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
2008-2013 Ph.D. student of Paulo Bedaque in the Theoretical Quarks, Hadrons, and Nuclei group at the University of Maryland
2004-2008 S.B. at MIT; Course VIII (physics), minor in XVIII (mathematics)
1998-2004 Hunter College High School
Ostmeyer et al., The Antiferromagnetic Character of the Quantum Phase Transition in the Hubbard Model on the Honeycomb Lattice, Phys. Rev. B, 104:155142, Oct 2021, 2105.06936.
Wynen et al., Machine Learning to Alleviate Hubbard Model Sign Problems, Phys. Rev. B, 103:125153, Mar 2021, 2006.11221.
Ostmeyer et al., The Semimetal-Mott Insulator Quantum Phase Transition of the Hubbard Model on the Honeycomb Lattice, Phys. Rev. B, 102:245105, Dec. 2020, 22005.1111.
Chang et al., A per-cent-level determination of the nucleon axial coupling from Quantum Chromodynamics, Nature, 558:91-94, 2018, 1805.12130.
Nicholson et al., Heavy Physics Contributions to Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay from QCD, Phys. Rev. Lett., 121:172501, 1805.02634.
E. Berkowitz, METAQ: Bundle Supercomputing Tasks, 1702.06122.
E. Berkowitz et al., Precision lattice test of the gauge/gravity duality at large N. Phys. Rev, D94:094501, 2016, 1606.04951.
E. Berkowitz et al., Two-Nucleon Higher Partial-Wave Scattering from Lattice QCD. Phys. Lett. B, 765:285-292, 2017, 1508.00866.
E. Berkowitz, M. Buchoff, and E. Rinaldi, Lattice QCD Input for Axion Cosmology. Phys. Rev., D92:034507, 2015, 1505.07455.