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File metadata and controls

249 lines (197 loc) · 7.77 KB
"""Deep learning and backend code for dispict.
See the README for more information. You need a Modal account to run this, and
you also need to download the dataset using the notebooks in this repository
first. This program downloads and embeds 25,000 images from the Harvard Art
Museums, then hosts recommendations at a serverless web endpoint.
import json
import os
import time
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Optional
import numpy as np
import modal
app = modal.App("dispict")
app.image = modal.Image.debian_slim(python_version="3.11")
def load_clip():
import clip
return clip.load("ViT-B/32")
clip_image = (
.pip_install("ftfy", "regex", "tqdm", "numpy", "torch")
.env({"INSIDE": "clip_image"})
web_image = app.image.pip_install("numpy", "h5py").env({"INSIDE": "web_image"})
if os.environ.get("INSIDE") == "clip_image":
import clip
import torch
model, preprocess = load_clip()
def run_clip_text(texts: list[str]):
"""Run pretrained CLIP on a list of texts.
Returns a numpy array containing the concatenated 512-dimensional embedding
outputs for each provided input, evaluated as a batch.
text_tokens = clip.tokenize(texts, truncate=True)
with torch.no_grad():
return model.encode_text(text_tokens).float().numpy()
def run_clip_images(image_urls: list[str]):
"""Run pretrained CLIP on a list of image URLs.
Returns a numpy array containing the concatenated 512-dimensional embedding
outputs for each provided input, evaluated as a batch.
The first return value is a list of indices that had an error during fetch.
from io import BytesIO
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
import requests
from PIL import Image, UnidentifiedImageError
def get_with_retry(url: str) -> requests.Response:
request_num = 0
while request_num < 5:
resp = requests.get(url, timeout=8)
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as exc:
print("Retrying", url, "due to", exc)
request_num += 1
if resp.status_code not in (200, 404):
print("Retrying", url, "due to status code", resp.status_code)
request_num += 1
return resp
return resp # type: ignore
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10) as executor:
responses = list(executor.map(get_with_retry, image_urls))
missing_indices: list[int] = []
original_images: list[Image.Image] = []
for i, resp in enumerate(responses):
if resp.status_code != 200:
print(f"Received status code {resp.status_code} from URL:", image_urls[i])
except UnidentifiedImageError:
print("Failed to load image from URL:", image_urls[i])
images: list[torch.Tensor] = [preprocess(img) for img in original_images] # type: ignore
image_input = torch.stack(images)
with torch.no_grad():
return missing_indices, model.encode_image(image_input).float().numpy()
class Artwork:
id: int
objectnumber: str
url: str
image_url: str
dimensions: str
dimheight: float
dimwidth: float
title: Optional[str] # plaintext title
description: Optional[str] # plaintext description
labeltext: Optional[str] # optional label text
people: list[str] # information about artists
dated: str # "c. 1950" or "1967-68" or "18th century"
datebegin: int # numerical year or 0
dateend: int # numerical year or 0
century: Optional[str] # alternative to "dated" column
department: str # categorical, about a dozen departments
division: Optional[str] # modern, european/american, or asian/mediterranean
culture: Optional[str] # American, Dutch, German, ...
classification: str # Photographs or Prints or ...
technique: Optional[str] # Lithograph, Etching, Gelatin silver print, ...
medium: Optional[str] # Graphite on paper, Oil on canvas, ...
accessionyear: Optional[int] # when the item was added
verificationlevel: int # How verified a work is(?)
totaluniquepageviews: int # a proxy for popularity
totalpageviews: int # a proxy for popularity
copyright: Optional[str] # copyright status
creditline: str # who donated this artwork
def read_data(filename: str) -> list[Artwork]:
with open(filename, "r") as f:
return [Artwork(**row) for row in json.load(f)]
def read_embeddings(filename: str):
import h5py
print("Loading embeddings")
with h5py.File(filename, "r") as f:
ids: h5py.Dataset = f["ids"] # type: ignore
matrix: h5py.Dataset = f["embeddings"] # type: ignore
embeddings = np.array(matrix)
embeddings /= np.linalg.norm(embeddings, axis=1, keepdims=True)
embeddings_ids = list(ids)
print("Finished loading embeddings")
return embeddings, embeddings_ids
class SearchResult:
score: float
artwork: Artwork
if os.environ.get("INSIDE") == "web_image":
data = read_data("/data/catalog.json")
data_by_id: dict[int, Artwork] = {}
for row in data:
data_by_id[row.id] = row
embeddings, embeddings_ids = read_embeddings("/data/embeddings.hdf5")
if not os.environ.get("SKIP_WEB"):
"data/artmuseums-clean.json", "/data/catalog.json"
"data/embeddings.hdf5", "/data/embeddings.hdf5"
def suggestions(text: str, n: int = 50) -> list:
"""Return a list of artworks that are similar to the given text."""
features = run_clip_text.remote([text])[0, :]
features /= np.linalg.norm(features)
scores = embeddings @ features
index_array = np.argsort(scores)
return [
score=50 * float(1 + scores[i]), artwork=data_by_id[embeddings_ids[i]]
for i in reversed(index_array[-n:])
def embed_images():
import h5py
data = read_data("data/artmuseums-clean.json")
chunk_size = 24
chunked_ids = []
chunked_urls = []
for idx in range(0, len(data), chunk_size):
chunked_ids.append([row.id for row in data[idx : idx + chunk_size]])
chunked_urls.append([row.image_url for row in data[idx : idx + chunk_size]])
results = list(run_clip_images.map(chunked_urls))
all_embeddings: dict[int, np.ndarray] = {}
for ids, (missing, embeddings) in zip(chunked_ids, results):
assert len(ids) == len(missing) + len(embeddings)
embeddings_idx = 0
for i, id in enumerate(ids):
if i not in missing:
all_embeddings[id] = embeddings[embeddings_idx, :]
embeddings_idx += 1
print(f"Finished embedding {len(all_embeddings)} images out of {len(data)}")
ids, embedding_matrix = zip(*all_embeddings.items())
embedding_matrix = np.vstack(embedding_matrix)
with h5py.File("data/embeddings.hdf5", "w") as f:
f.create_dataset("embeddings", data=embedding_matrix)
f.create_dataset("ids", data=ids)
print("Saved to hdf5 file")