An easy way to use pingpong builder
//import this module
const Pingpong = require('pingpong-builder');
//class constructor
const builder = new Pingpong.Ai();
//get method
//you can use this method to
//make a pingpong request
//id is a unique string in the requet url
//this_id_your_id part is
//your id
//you can use resolve_id method to
//exchange your URL to the id.
//use sessionid to represent a user
//query id the message
builder.get('query', {
id: builder.resolve_id('pingpong_url'),
token: 'token',
sessionid: 'sessionid'
//resolves with an array of responses
//including gif image URLs
//rejects with the fail message
//when there's an error during request
get(query, { id: id, token: token, sessionid: sessionid })
Make a request to the pingpong server
id(string): the unique string in the request url
token(string): your pingpong builder tokrn, including Basic
sessionid(string): a string to represent the user
query(string): the message from the user
when the request succeeded: resolves with an array of responses Its type is like this:
contents: [
type: 'text',
content: '안녕하세요'
type: 'image',
content: ''
raw: {...} // raw response data
when the request failed: rejects with an error message
Returns the pingpong id from the given url
url(string): the pingpong url.
returnes the id from the url.