A simple discord bot written in Python.
List of commands:
balance Checks for a user's balance
blackjack Starts a game of blackjack with the bot.
buy Purchase a role from the role shop.
clear Clears a given number of messages.
clearq Clear the queue.
grant Admin only, grants a user a given amount of dabloons.
hello The classic greeting command!
help Shows this message
image Displays a random image based on a given keyword
leave Stop playing a YouTube video.
loop Toggle looping of the currently playing YouTube video.
mercy Gives a truly broke user 500 dabloons.
pause Pause a YouTube video.
play Play a YouTube video via link.
players Gives the balance leaderboard of the users in the server.
poll Create a poll with any number of options.
punish Removes 5000 dabloons from a given user.
queue Queue a YouTube video.
resume Resume a YouTube video.
roleshop Displays the roles available for purchase.
search Search for a YouTube video.
showq Show the current queue.
shuffleq Shuffle the queue.
skip Skip the currently playing YouTube video.
unloop Disable looping of the currently playing YouTube video.