Hello! My name is Dmitry.
I was born in St. Petersburg, Russia. I moved to the US in 2000. I now live in London, UK.
I am interested in the history of computing, history of networking, forums, and, especially, text entry systems.
Professionally, I babysit infra. For my last gig, I lead the platform team at Rollbar.
You can check out my personal site and Mastodon.
I've contributed to open source a bit: urllib3, Rust docs, GitHub CLI.
In 2021 @shaoster and I helped quite a few people get vaccinated.
Previously, @dguilak and I started ughMoney. "We track your spending, and send you the bad news." The logo was a sad coin. It was great.
In 2017, I wrote for Mondo 2000 about the effects spell checkers and autocorrect are having on English