Panix is a python3 NXAPI convenience library. It internally uses json and returns the user python native data structures. It leverages requests for the json-rpc handling.
NXAPI is a Cisco Systems Inc. feature on recent NX-OS devices running a supported firmware that opens a http(s) API interface using JSON-RPC to execute commands on the device.
Panix offers some helper classes to make the structured output more workable.
First, make sure that on your target device, feature nxapi is supported and active.
# show feature
Feature Name Instance State
-------------------- -------- -----
nxapi 1 enabled
You will want to check the programmability guide of your platform on on how to properly enable nxapi on it, if it is not already.
Once you have activated it, you can use Panix to execute commands on the device:
from panix import NXAPI
nxos = NXAPI('nxos_switch', username='admin', password='secret', scheme='https', port=8080)
# Text output of the command
sh_ver_text = nxos('show version')
# Some commands have structured output
sh_ver_data = nxos('show version', parsed=True)
# The structure isn't that great, Panix has helpers
from panix.helpers.version import version_helper
sh_ver_data = version_helper(sh_ver_data)
# '8.1(1)'
Thanks to MaartenD for coming up with the name