The Distributed-SpringBoot-CleanArchitecture application approximates a Functional architecture Style embedded in a Clean architecture.
All projects target openjdk-14.0.2 and most of them import library through maven io.vavr:vavr:1.0.0-alpha-3.
You can open and run the projects using IntelliJ community edition.
and the “UI” Project named web-api is a Boot Spring MVC Web application Maven project generated by Spring Initializr. that is completely independent.
RabbitMQ server
In order to be able to use the sample you must have installed the RabbitMQ server to the machine you plan to run the sample .There are various downloads on the RabbitMQ site. Unfortunately, you should also have installed Erlang. The RabbitMQ installation will ask you to install erlang if you have not.
If the RabbitMQ server is not running you will get an error log from the web-api project when you try to run it.