8000 GitHub - dillo-browser/rtfl: Read The Figurative Logfile
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RTFL, which stands for "Read The Figurative Logfile", is a both a
protocol for structured debug messages, as well as a collection of
programs (currently two) displaying these debug messages in a
semi-graphical way, so that it becomes simpler to determine what the
debugged program does.

Programs are prepared to print these special debug messages to
standard output, which are then passed to a viewer program like
"rtfl-objcount" or "rtfl-objview".

See "doc/rtfl.html" for a comprehensive description.

RTFL is free software, released under the GPL version 3 or later (see
COPYING for details), with the following exception:

The copyright holders of RTFL give you permission to link the program
rtfl-objview statically or dynamically against all versions of the
graphviz library, which are published by AT&T Corp. under one of the
following licenses:

- Common Public License version 1.0 as published by International
  Business Machines Corporation (IBM), or
- Eclipse Public License version 1.0 as published by the Eclipse

Both the protocol and the header file "debug_rtfl.hh", which provides
macros for the protocol, are not protected at all, but in the public
domain. This means that are no restrictions for the programs being
debugged using RTFL.

Some (informal) notes about the exception:

1. Graphviz, which is used by the Graph2 widget, is published under
   the Eclipse Public License version 1.0, older versions are
   published under the Common Public License version 1.0. Both
   licenses are free software licenses, but weak copyleft licenses,
   and so incompatible with any version the GNU General Public
   License. See [1] and [2] for details. The license exception solves

2. Since the CPL and EPL are *weak* copyleft licenses, there is no
   problem in the other direction.

3. All parts of RTFL are still compatible with the GNU GPL.

4. I want to restrict this license exception to free libraries; this
   is the reason that the CPL and the EPL are explicitly mentioned. If
   you have some "technical" problems with this limitation, feel free
   to contact me (see below).

As usual: "./configure && make && make install" (or "install-strip");
see "INSTALL" for details. If you are using the version from SVN
instead of the release tarball, you have to run "libtoolize && aclocal
&& autoconf && automake" before.

You need FLTK version 1.3 (try "fltk-config --version"). Get it from
<http://fltk.org/software.php>, or install a package suitable for your
operating system (on Debian: "apt-get install libfltk1.3-dev").

There is a widget, Graph2, which enhances the graph layouting of
rtfl-objview, as compared to the older Graph widget, and it has
matured enough to become the default. It depends on the Graphviz
library (see <http://www.graphviz.org/Download.php> or install a
suitable package, e. g. "libgraphviz-dev" on Debian), version 2.38.0
or later. If you use an older version, try to modify "configure.ac";
if you succeed, drop me a note.

If Graphviz is not installed, the old Graph widget is used. If you
want to use the old Graph widget in any case, run "./configure" with
"--disable-graph2" to use the old widget.

Furthermore, there has been some work on a Java VM agent, which
automates generation of RTFL messages by Java programs. The JDK is
searched according to following rules:

  (i) If "--disable-java" is passed to "./configure", the JVM agent is
      not build at all.
 (ii) The
 root of the JDK (under which "bin", "include" etc. are
      found) may be passed explicitly by "--with-java-home=...".
(iii) Otherwise, "javac" is found in the path, its symbolic links are
      followed, and so the root of the JDK is searched.

Of course, if "javac" is not found, or some crucial files within the
JDK are missing, the agent is neither build.

See java/README for more details.

RTFL uses parts of the dillo widget from the dillo web browser
(<http://www.dillo.org/>); see "lout" and "dw" directory. The current
version was taken on Oct 27 2014 from the repository
<http://hg.dillo.org/dillo>, revision 3948:0769a58d63f9. Few changes
are generally made:

- the parts of "libDw-widgets.a" are removed, they are not needed in

- dw::fltk::ui:ComplexButtonResource and related classes and files
  (FltkFlatView and ComplexButton) are removed, since they are not
  needed, and (this is actually the main reason) the copyright of
  ComplexButton is a bit unclear [3];

- the copyright notices are modified by adding the license exception
  (this is automated with the script "update_copyright" which is part
  of the SVN repository, albeit not release tarball).

Smaller changes to "lout" and "dw" can be made within RTFL; from time
to time, these changes should be back-ported, before a new version of
"lout" and "dw" is copied to RTFL.

The directory "dwr" provides some general dillo widgets used in RTFL,
and "common" base code for all viewers and protocol modules. Specific
viewers and protocol modules have there own directory (currently only
"objects": may become subject to change.)

First of all, there are numerous bugs, flaws, and things to
improve. (No list yet.)

For more, see the file <http://home.gna.org/rtfl/future.html".

Write to Sebastian Geerken <sgeerken-at-dillo.org>. See
<http://home.gna.org/rtfl/> for news.

[1] http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/license-list.html#CommonPublicLicense10

[2] http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/license-list.html#EPL

[3] Nothing serious; ComplexButton is a derivate of the Button widget
    of FLTK, which is released under the GNU LGPL, so that linking
    with the graphviz library should not cause a problem.