This is a part of cross-platform GUI Library for Go. See
The developer version is a Go version of the impress terminal with minimal C code (GTK+ 3 library, etc).
Reasons to have a developer version besides the C version:
- A reference implementation of the client side.
- A place to inject high-level code on the client side for debugging or benchmarking.
- Highlight the clean logic of using GTK+ 3.
Yet another GTK+ 3 binding package inside
if you don't have them installed. -
Install GTK+ 3 libraries if you don't have them installed:
sudo apt-get install libgtk-3-dev
- Build impress terminal from source:
git clone
cd itlog
go build -o itlog
cd ..
- Then run example:
git clone
cd impress
IMPRESS_TERMINAL_PATH=../itlog/itlog go run
Steps 0-2 are needed to build a Cgo version of impress terminal.
- The project is currently in its beta stage.
- The project was tested on Debian 12.9.