Hello there 👋 , this place help you easier find some project I'm wo 8000 rking on and some project I'm collaborate with other developer.
Revit Addin Manager - Revit AddinManager update .NET assemblies without restart Revit for developer.
CadPythonShell - An IronPython console for Autocad and Civil 3d API, include full snoop Database to explore API
CadAddinManager - Cad AddinManager update .NET assemblies without restart Autocad and Civil3D for developer.
NavisAddinManager - Navis AddinManager update .NET assemblies without restart Navisworks for developer.
OpenMEP - A package for MEP, Computational Design, Generative Design inside Dynamo Revit , Sandbox , AutoCAD, Civil3D & more.
APSToolkit - A powerful tool to export autodesk platform services interactive data.
APSBot - Explore Data By CLI With Autodesk Platform Services
Revit-Meows - The project simplifies data extraction from Revit model In ACC use Autodesk Platform Services
Jupyter Forge - Integrates viewer Autodesk Platform Services with Jupyter Notebooks
revit-extractor - An library easy to read data and export revit data from native revit format(.rvt)
Acc Urn Details - Simple extension to snoop detail url Autodesk Construction Cloud
NavisLookup - Project support snoop full database support developer navisworks and explore navisworks API.
Awesome-Dynamo - Bring all awesome on Dynamo to a Book
DA-DynamoRevit - Make Dynamo Revit Possible Implement Design Automation With ACC
IFC-To-Excel - Convert Metadata IFC format to excel format, freedom with cross platform.
RevitLookup - Interactive Revit RFA and RVT project database exploration tool to view and navigate BIM element parameters, properties and relationships.
RevitLookupWpf - The project was developed to support programmers using Revit API to quickly look up and work efficiently with parameter objects.
RevitDBExplorer - Interactive Revit database exploration tool to view and edit BIM element parameters, properties and relationships.
speckle-sharp - .NET SDK, Schema and Connectors: Revit, Rhino, Grasshopper, Dynamo, ETABS, AutoCAD, Civil3D & more.
G-Shark - G-Shark is a free and open-source geometry library designed for computational designers and software developers in the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry.
nuke - The AKEless Build System for C#/.NET
Dynamo - Open Source Graphical Programming for Design .
revitpythonshell - An IronPython scripting environment for Autodesk Revit and Vasari
docfx - Tools for authoring and publishing API documentation for .NET projects
XbimEssentials - A .NET library to work with data in the IFC format. This is the core component of the Xbim Toolkit
... Please find more on github ....