- Primary Domain: http://learn.jquery.com
- Staging Domain: http://stage.learn.jquery.com
We just changed this repository's name (and consequently its URL) from web-learn-jquery-com
to learn.jquery.com
. If you already forked the project before this happened and created a remote to track this repo, you'll have to update that reference. Assuming that upstream
is what you named your remote, simply use the following command from inside your repo:
git remote set-url upstream https://github.com/jquery/learn.jquery.com
Spread across the internet is lot of information about how to learn and use jQuery. This content ranges in quality from excellent to terrible, and is often stuck inside CMSes where only the original author can ever update the content. The goal of this site is twofold
- To serve as a central, trustworthy, narrative compendium of information about how to use jQuery and JavaScript
- To remain a timely, vibrant, and community-driven reference with a low barrier to contribution
Much of the initial content - and spirit - is from jQuery Fundamentals, an open-source book about jQuery, originally released in 2010 by Rebecca Murphey and bequeathed unto the jQuery Project to serve as the foundation for this site.
This site consists of content maintained in Markdown files, powered by nanoc, a Ruby-based static site generator.
The entire site is managed via this Git repository. If you'd like to contribute new articles, make edits to existing content, or work on the site itself, the first thing you'll need is a fork. When you have changes you'd like to have reviewed and integrated into the site, submit a pull request.
If you aren't already familiar with Git, you'll still need a fork and a GitHub account, but you can can edit files directly via GitHub's in-browser editor, but you won't be able to create new content. We encourage you to learn how to use Git andGitHub, it'll probably pretty useful no matter what.
This project requires Ruby >= 1.9 and Bundler. If you don't already have a Ruby development environment, please see the corresponding section below.
If you only want to work with and edit content, you don't actually have to get the project running locally, you can just edit/add Markdown content inside of the content
directory. Of course, you won't be able to preview your content locally
- Clone/fork this repo
- Change to the newly cloned repository's directory
> cd learn.jquery.com - Install the dependencies
> gem install bundler && bundle install
- Run the nanoc server
> nanoc view &
- The site should be running on http://localhost:3000. Use the
option to specify a different port. - Set the site to watch for changes and re-compile
> nanoc watch
You actually probably already do have some Ruby available, but it's probably not Ruby 1.9. We recommend setting up:
Once you get that all squared away (and yes, we know that might be a big 'once'), you'll want to set your fork to use the Ruby > 1.9 you installed while you were setting up rbenv
rbenv local 1.9.3-p0
Then, you can follow the instructions above, starting at "Install the dependencies"
- Grab the latest Ruby package from the Windows-only rubyinstaller.org
- Install it
- [Meta-bullet point: This section probably lacks detail. If a Windows-Ruby developer wants to help us flesh this section out, please do!]
- Follow the instructions above, starting at "Install the dependencies"