This repository contains scripts automating conversion of the FDDB dataset to a format required by the Darknet framework.
Clone and navigate to the repository
Use the following links in order to download a complete FDDB dataset.
wget wget wget
Create a new folder and call it images. Unpack the supplied images inside of it.
tar -xzvf FDDB-folds.tgz mdkir images && tar -xzvf originalPics.tar.gz -C images
Prepare data.
find FDDB-folds -type f -regex ".*[0-9]-.*txt" -exec cat {} >> FDDB-folds/FDDB-annotations.txt \; find FDDB-folds -type f -regex ".*[0-9]+.txt" -exec cat {} >> FDDB-folds/FDDB-paths.txt \;
Install the required Python libraries.
pip install Pillow
Generate all the files required by the Darknet.
python ./scripts/
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. For more information, please refer to the LICENSE file.