These nodes have been describe in the following paper:
- Beisken S, Meinl T, Wiswedel B, de Figueiredo LF, Berthold M, Steinbeck C. KNIME-CDK: Workflow-driven cheminformatics. BMC Bioinformatics. 2013 Aug;14(1):257.
- download the Eclipse KNIME SDK 3.5 (not Eclipse itself!)
- import the four plugins
- Go to: Window -> Preferences -> Plug-in Development -> Target Platform
- Add the 3.5 Update Site
- Edit KNIME 3.3 TP
- Change the Update Site to
- Select KNIME & Extensions
- Apply the new target platform
- Follow these instructions
- The test workflows used by the KNIME integration server can be edited via a released KNIME version and the KNIME Public Server Access